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Today GK Current Affairs Questions August 21

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Current Affairs Questions

Q.8 Govt. hikes GPF interest rate to ......... percent for Oct.-Dec. Quarter in 2018.

(A) 7.8

(B) 8.0

(C) 8.2

(D) 8.5

Ans .  B

Q.9 Which country secured top rank on the World Bank's first Human Capital Index?

(A) Singapore

(B) Germany

(C) Ireland

(D) France

Ans .  A

Q.10 India was ranked as the 58th most competitive economy with a score of ....... on the Global Competitive Index 2018.

(A) 58.0

(B) 59.0

(C) 61.0

(D) 62.0

Ans .  D

Q.11 The Karnataka government notified __________ as "Class A poison".

(A) Orellanine

(B) Strychnine

(C) Muscarine

(D) Nicotine

Ans .  D

Q.12 Punjab and Haryana High Court started its first virtual court through video conferencing in __________.

(A) Panipat

(B) Rohtak

(C) Hisar

(D) Faridabad

Ans .  D

Q.13 The NGT has formed a committee to examine illegal sand mining in which of the following rivers?

(A) Ganga

(B) Cauvery

(C) Yamuna

(D) Godavari

Ans .  C

Q.14 The USFDA approved a new drug to treat TB. It's;

(A) Ciprofloxacin

(B) Azithromycin

(C) Pretomanid

(D) Trimethoprim

Ans .  C

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