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Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers for SSC and Bank Exams

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Verbal Reasoning QuestionsVerbal Reasoning Questions

Important verbal reasoning questions and answers:

Q:9. Suganya went to the movies nine days ago. She goes to the movies only on Thursday. What day of the week is today?

A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Tuesday
D. Thursday

Ans .  B

Clearly, nine days ago, it was Thursday.
Therefore today is Saturday.

Q:10. Kanmani ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty ninth from the bottom among those who passed an examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in it. How many boys were there in the class?

A. 35
B. 45
C. 50
D. 55

Ans .  D

Number of boys who passed = (15 + 1 + 28) = 44
Total number of boys in the class = 44 + 6 +5 = 55.

Q:11. Murugan is sixth from the left end and Prasanna is tenth from the right end in a row of boys. If there are eight boys between Murugan and Prasanna, how many boys are there in the row?

A. 21
B. 23
C. 24
D. 25

Ans .  C

Clearly, number of boys in the row = ( 6 + 10 + 8) = 24.

Q:12. In a row of girls, Nithya and Suganya occupy the ninth place from the right end and tenth place from the left end, respectively. If they interchange their places, then Nithya and Suganya occupy seventeenth place from the right and eighteenth place from the left respectively. How many girls are there in the row?

A. 22
B. 24
C. 26
D. 28

Ans .  C

Since Nithya and Suganya exchange places, so Rita’s new position is the same as Monika’s earlier position. This position is 17th from the right and 10th from the left. Therefore Number of girls in the row = (16 + 1 + 9) = 26.

Q:13. Prasanna said, “This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” Who is Prasanna to the girl?

A. Husband 
B. Father 
C. Father–in–law 
D. Grandfather

Ans .  A

Mother’s grandson – Son; 
Son’s wife – Daughter–in–law.

Q:14. If Arun says, “Vimal’ mother is the only daughter of my mother”, how is Arum related to Ravi?

A. Father 
B. Brother 
C. Grandfather 
D. None of these

Ans .  D

Only daughter of Arun’s mother –Arun’s sister. 
So, Vimal’s mother is Arun’s sister (or) 
Arun is the brother of Vimal’s mother i.e . Vimal’s maternal uncle.

Q:15. Pointing to a man in a photograph. Asha said. “His mothers only daughter is my mother”. How is Asha related to that man?

A. Wife
B. Sister
C. Niece
D. Nephew

Ans .  C

Asha’s mother’s mother is man’s mother i.e.,
Asha’s mother is man’s sister (or)
Asha is man’s niece.

Direction (16-18) Eight friends – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V & W are sitting around a circle facing the center. V is third to the right of Q & second to the left of R. Q is second to the left of T & immediate right of S. U is between Q & T. P is not at the left of R.

Q:16. Who is exactly at left of S?

(A) Q

(B) P

(C) U

(D) V

Ans .  B

If you have any problem or doubt regarding verbal reasoning questions, you can ask me in the comment section. To more practice for verbal reasoning questions with answers, Visit next page. 

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