Generally in almost all competition exam questions related to Indian History, Science, Economy, Sports, Geography, Ancient Civilization, Banking, General Knowledge (GK) related to the world, which require special attention of the students. Also, general knowledge is the section in which the candidates have easy time to solve maximum number of questions in a short time and thus they can score higher on the exam.
Here, I am providing the Very Common GK Questions for learners who are preparing for competitive exams. In this post, I have updated the most important questions, answers around the Daily GK with the latest Very Common GK Questions about many topics covered.
Students can easily get free general knowledge questions on this platform for online exam practice to obtain good marks in the competitive exams. Current Affairs Mock Test 2019 and Monthly Current Affair.
Q :
Victoria waterfall is associated with which river?
(A) Amazon
(B) Jambezi
(C) Missori
(D) St. Lawrence
Name the architect who made the map of Chandigarh city?
(A) Lt. Cabunier
(B) Lloydright
(C) Sardar Pritam Singh
(D) Howell
Stratosphere of the atmosphere is covered by which of the following layers?
(A) Helium
(B) Ozone
(C) Hydrogen
(D) Carbon
The Dargah of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti is situated?
(A) Ajmer
(B) Banaras
(C) Delhi
(D) Hyderabad
In which state is the world famous Thar Desert located?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Punjab
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Indira Gandhi Canal is built in which state?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Punjab
(D) Haryana
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