When we go upstairs in the atmosphere?
(A) heat is low and pressure increases
(B) temperature increases and pressure decreases
(C) Both temperature and pressure increase
(D) Both temperature and pressure decrease
By whom is the focus distance corrected in the eye lens?
(A) Ratina
(B) iris
(C) ciliary muscles
(D) Carnia
Dry ice is solid.
(A) Carbon monoxide
(B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Sulfur dioxide
(D) Hydrogen peroxide
What is the scientific name for common salt?
(A) sodium sulfate
(B) sodium chloride
(C) sodium bicarbonate
(D) Ammonium chloride
The velocity of light is maximum in ______.
(A) Diamond
(B) Water
(C) Vacuum
(D) Glass
In which of the following industries is mica as a raw material?
(A) Cement
(B) Glass and Pottery
(C) Iron and Steel
(D) Electrical
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