The Gandhi-Irwin Pact is related to
(A) Civil Disobedience Movement
(B) Non-Cooperation-Khilafat Movement
(C) Rowlatt movement
(D) Quit India Movement
Whose statement is 'Who lives if India dies'?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Bhagat Singh
(D) None of these
India is divided into how many postal zones?
(A) 2
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 10
In the context of the people of Indian India, the word "Hindu" was used for the first time?
(A) Arabs
(B) Greeks
(C) Romans
(D) Chinese
Where is Mohenjodaro located?
(A) Sindh
(B) Gujarat
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Punjab
What is the full form of C in CBS in the field of banking?
(A) core
(B) Continent
(C) Complete
(D) Credit
Which is the full form of CAD?
(A) Cash All Daily
(B) Computer All Design
(C) Computer Aided Design
(D) Call All Design
What is the full form of SEZ?
(A) Special Economic Zone
(B) Small Economic Zone
(C) Service Economic Zone
(D) None of these
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