Q.15 Brazil was discovered in?
(A) 1500
(B) 1505
(C) 1510
(D) 1515
Q.16 Who discovered the North Pole?
(A) Captain James
(B) Magellan
(C) Amundsen
(D) Robert Peary
Q.17 Magna Carta or The Great Charter was signed in
(A) 1210
(B) 1215
(C) 1220
(D) 1225
Q.18 Habeas Corpus Act was passed in?
(A) 1679
(B) 1683
(C) 1691
(D) 1997
Q.19 "Boston Tea Party" incident happened in?
(A) 1770
(B) 1771
(C) 1772
(D) 1773
Q.20 In which year American Revolution started?
(A) 1774
(B) 1775
(C) 1776
(D) 1777
Q.21 In which year American Independence was acknowledged by England?
(A) 1782
(B) 1783
(C) 1784
(D) 1785
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