Analogies - Logical MCQ Questions of Reasoning
Choose appropriate words.
Q.21 Mirror is to Reflection as Water is to…..
(A) Conduction
(B) Dispersion
(C) Immersion
(D) Refraction
Ans . D
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Q.22 Life is to Death as Hope is to…..
(A) Sad
(B) Despair
(C) Pain
(D) Cry
Ans . B
Q.23 Black is to Coal as Hard is to……
(A) Rock
(B) Brick
(C) Board
(D) Stone
Ans . A
Q.24 Taj Mahal is to Love as Jallianwala Bagh is to….
(A) Amritsar
(B) Martyrdom
(C) War
(D) Punjab
Ans . B
Q.25 Eye is to Tear as Mouth is to….
(A) Teeth
(B) Tongue
(C) Lips
(D) Saliva
Ans . D
Q.26 Kings is to History as Rocks is to…….
(A) Geometry
(B) Cutlery
(C) Chemistry
(D) Geography
Ans . D
Q.27 Grapes is to Wine as Wheat is to….
(A) Flake
(B) Barley
(C) Bread
(D) Cake
Ans . C
Q.28 Cub is to Tiger as Fawn is to….
(A) Stag
(B) Monkey
(C) Ass
(D) Sheep
Ans . A
Q.29 Water is to Ocean as Snow is to….
(A) Peaks
(B) Hail
(C) Glacier
(D) Mountain
Ans . C
Q.30 Writer is to Reader as Producer is to……
(A) Seller
(B) Consumer
(C) Creator
(D) Contractor
Ans . B