Ancient Indian History GK Questions

‘Gandhian Plan’ was established year in
(A) 1938
(B) 1944
(C) 1945
(D) 1950
Correct Answer : D
The Indian national Army was founded by-
(A) Bipin Chandra Pal
(B) Vallabhbhai Patel
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) Bhagat Singh
Correct Answer : C
Whom did Shah Alam Bahadur Shah succeed in 1707?
(A) Jahangir
(B) Aurangzeb
(C) Humayan
(D) Akbar
Correct Answer : B
Which one of the following acts abolished the monopoly of tea trade and trade with China by the East India Company?
(A) Regulating Act of 1773
(B) Pitts India Act 1784
(C) The Charter Act of 1813
(D) The Charter Act of 1833
Correct Answer : C
The plan to transfer power to the Indians and partition of the country was laid down in the?
(A) Cabinet Mission Plan
(B) Simon Commission
(C) Cripps Mission
(D) The Mountbatten Plan
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
The plan to transfer power to the Indians and the partition of the country was laid down in the Mountbatten Plan, also known as the 3 June Plan. It was proposed by the last British Viceroy of India, Lord Louis Mountbatten, and it set the groundwork for the partition of British India into two independent nations, India and Pakistan, in 1947. The plan outlined the steps for the transfer of power and the creation of two separate states based on religious lines.
Who was the Viceroy at the time of Quit India Movement?
(A) Lord Wavell
(B) Lord Lin Lithgow
(C) Lord Irwin
(D) Lord Mountbatten
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The Viceroy of India at the time of the Quit India Movement was Lord Linlithgow. The Quit India Movement, also known as the August Movement, was launched by Mahatma Gandhi on August 8, 1942, demanding an end to British rule in India. Lord Linlithgow served as the Viceroy from 1936 to 1943 during a critical period in Indian history, which included World War II and the Quit India Movement.