Average problems for bank exams with solutions

Vikram Singh4 years ago 12.9K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
average problems with solutions

Average Problems with Solutions for SSC and Bank Exams

Q :  

A party for 50 people was organized at their own expense. 48 of them paid Rs 950 each, while the other two paid Rs 1200 more than the group's average expenditure. The total expenditure incurred was.

(A) 75,000

(B) 40,000

(C) 25,000

(D) 50,000

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

The average marks of a student in four subjects is 75. If the student obtained 80 marks in the 5th subject then the new average is ?

(A) 80

(B) 76

(C) 92

(D) 95

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

In a class of 50 students there are 27 girls. The average weight of these girls is 45 kg and average weight of the full class is 49.6 kgs. What is the average weight of the boys of the class?

(A) 54.2

(B) 55

(C) 53.4

(D) 53

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

The average weight of Sudesh, Jyothi and Ritu is 89 kg. If the average weight of Sudesh and Jyothi be 98 kg and that of Jyothi and Ritu be 83 kg, then the weight of Jyothi is

(A) 58

(B) 56

(C) 66

(D) 95

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

A cricketer had a certain average of runs for his 64 innings. In his 65th innings, he is bowled out for no score on his part. This brings down his average by 2 runs. His new average of runs is: 

(A) 70

(B) 68

(C) 130

(D) 128

Correct Answer : D

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