General Knowledge (GK) 2023-24: GK Questions, Topics, Mock Test, Practice Quiz
Which one of the following doesn’t contain silver ?
(A) German Silver
(B) Horn Silver
(C) Red Silver
(D) Lunar Caustic
Correct Answer : A
Which poisonous gas was released in Bhopal Gas Tragedy?
(A) Methyl Isocyanide
(B) Nitrous Oxide
(C) Methyl Isocyanate
(D) Cyanogen
Correct Answer : C
Which of the following is the largest ecosystem in the world?
(A) Ocean ecosystem
(B) Forest ecosystem
(C) Desert ecosystem
(D) Grassland ecosystem
Correct Answer : A
From which one of the following plants, the insecticide pyrethrum is prepared
(A) Cymbopogon
(B) Chrysanthemum
(C) Tephrosia
(D) Velivera
Correct Answer : B
National good governance day is observed in India on-
(A) December 24
(B) December 25
(C) December 26
(D) December 31
Correct Answer : B
Narcolepsy is a disease related to
(A) Compulsive stealing habits
(B) Forgetting disorder
(C) Frequent attacks of epilepsy
(D) Excessive sleeping disorder
Correct Answer : D
The first Indian communication satellite was-
(A) Aryabhatta
(B) Bhaskara-1
(C) Apple
(D) Chandrayaan-1
Correct Answer : C
The O T C medicine crocin is an-
(A) Analgesic
(B) Antipyretic
(C) Analgesic and antipyretic
(D) Antiseptic
Correct Answer : B
The life span of RBC is
(A) 100 days
(B) 110 days
(C) 120 days
(D) 130 days
Correct Answer : C
The flow of energy in an ecosystem follows the laws of
(A) Probability
(B) Photochemistry
(C) Kinetics
(D) Thermodynamics
Correct Answer : D