General Knowledge (GK) 2023-24: GK Questions, Topics, Mock Test, Practice Quiz
Which of the following organelles is called Atom bombs?
(A) Microtubules
(B) Nucleolus
(C) Golgi bodies
(D) Lysosome
Correct Answer : D
Which of the following transports water from the roots of the plant to its leaves?
(A) Xylem
(B) Phloem
(C) Both xylem and phloem
(D) Cortex
Correct Answer : A
DPT is a vaccine for
(A) Diarrhoea, polio and typhoid
(B) diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus
(C) diarrhoea, polio and tetanus
(D) diphtheria, whooping cough and typhoid
Correct Answer : B
The pitch of the voice of the women is generally
(A) same as that of men
(B) higher than that of men
(C) much lower than that of men
(D) none of the above
Correct Answer : B
Speed of sound is greater in solids than in liquids because
(A) The atoms in solids are regularly arranged
(B) The atoms in liquids are loosely packed
(C) The solids have high elasticity
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer : C
Which of the following disease is caused by female Anopheles mosquito?
(A) Chicken Pox
(B) Malaria
(C) Black Fever
(D) Cholera
Correct Answer : D
Which of the following device is used to measure humidity?
(A) Hydrometer
(B) Hygrometer
(C) Psycho Meter
(D) Anemometer
Correct Answer : B
During sleep a man's blood pressure
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) remains constant
(D) fluctuates
Correct Answer : B
Optic fibers are mainly used for which of the following?
(A) Communication
(B) Weaving
(C) Musical instruments
(D) Food industry
Correct Answer : A
Gravitational force is maximum at which of the following place?
(A) At equator
(B) At tropic of cancer
(C) At tropic of Capricorn
(D) At poles
Correct Answer : A