Basic Internet Questions and Answers for SSC and Bank Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 83.6K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
basic internet questions and answers

Important Basic Internet Questions and Answers

Q.21. An IP and address serves which among the following principal functions: 

(A) Host or network interface identification

(B) Location Addressing

(C) Both of Above

(D) None of these

Q.22. Role of IP addressing is:

(A) A name indicates what we seek

(B) An address indicates where it is

(C) A route indicates how to get there

(D) All of the above

Ans .   D

Q.23. The designers of the internet protocol defined an IP address as a……..

(A) 32 bit

(B) 34 bit

(C) 31 bit

(D) Nome of these

Ans .   A

Q.24.32 Bit system was known as Internet protocol version…………. which is still in use today:

(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 3

(D) None of these

Ans .   A

Q.25. Due to the growth of the internet and the predicted depletion of available addresses, a new version of IP version 6 using…………….for the address was developed in 1995:

(A) 128 Bits

(B) 129 Bits

(C) 130 Bits

(D) None of these

Ans .   A

Q.26.Two versions of the internet protocol (IP) are in use such as IP version 4 and IP version 6 each version defines as IP address…...

(A) Same

(B) Unique

(C) Different

(D) None of these

Ans .   C

Q.27. In the early stages of development of the internet protocol, network administrators interpreted an IP address in …………. parts: 

(A) Network Number Portion

(B) Host Number Portions

(C) Both of Above

(D) None of these

Ans .   C

Q.28. High levels of demand have decreased the supply of un-allocated internet protocol version 4 addresses available for assignment to internet service providers and end user organization since the………...

(A) 1980s

(B) 1990s

(C) 2000s

(D) None of these

Ans .   A

Q.29. Which among the following definition is correct:

(A) Address-The unique number ID assigned to one host or interface in a network

(B) Subnet – A portion of a network sharing a particular subnet address

(C) subnet mask-A 32-bit combination used to describe which portion of an address refers to the subset and which part refers to the host

(D) All of the above

Ans .   D

Q.30. NAT stand for:

(A) Network Address Translator

(B) Network Access Translator

(C) Network Acquired Translator

(D) None of these

Ans .   A

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