Basic Science General Knowledge Questions and Answers

Leaves appear green because they
(A) absorbs green light
(B) reflect green light
(C) absorb and reflect green light
(D) none of these
Correct Answer : B
Which one of the following proteins is effective against most viruses?
(A) Glutamine
(B) Interferon
(C) Casein
(D) none of these
Correct Answer : B
The instrument that records the heartbeat is called?
(A) Cardiograph
(B) Cascograph
(C) Chrysograph
(D) Seismograph
Correct Answer : A
The device/device that cools the engine of vehicles is called?
(A) Refrigerator
(B) Radiator
(C) Carburetor
(D) GM the counter
Correct Answer : B
A geodesic satellite studies?
(A) age of the earth
(B) Earth's geological sources
(C) movement of clouds
(D) Earth's size
Correct Answer : D
In which of the following cobalt is present?
(A) Hemoglobin
(B) Chlorophyll
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin B12
Correct Answer : D
What regulates the amount of light falling on the eye?
(A) cornea
(B) Uptara
(C) retina
(D) sclera
Correct Answer : B
Bats are kept in which of the following class?
(A) Reptile
(B) Birds
(C) Mammals
(D) hydrogeographic
Correct Answer : C
A richer scale is used to measure which of the following?
(A) wind speed
(B) body temperature
(C) intensity of the earthquake
(D) the depth of the ocean
Correct Answer : C
The important factor in the opening of stomata found on leaves is?
(A) Guard cells
(B) amount of chlorophyll in the cells
(C) the amount of hormones in the cells
(D) amount of protein in the cells
Correct Answer : A