Blood Relation Questions for Bank PO Reasoning - MCQ
Blood Relation Questions with answers for Bank PO
Q.61. If A is B’s mother, C is A’s son, D is E’ brother, E is B’s daughter, then who is the grandmother of D?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Ans . A
Direction: (62-66) : Study the given information carefully:
A,B,C,D,E & F are six members of a family. A & B are married couple. A is male. D is C’s only son, who is A’s brother. E is D’s sister & B is grand daughter of a widow F.
Q.62. How F is related to A?
(A) Sister-in-law (Nanad)
(B) Sister
(C) Mother-in-law
(D) Mother
Ans . D
Q.63. How E is Related to C?
(A) Sister
(B) Aunt
(C) Mother -in-law
(D) Mother
Ans . D
Q.64. How B is related to C?
(A) Sister-in-law (Bhabhi)
(B) Sister
(C) Niece
(D) Daughter-in-law
Ans . A
Q.65. How many women are in the family?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
Ans . B
Q.66. How C is related to F?
(A) Son-in-law
(B) Brother-in-law
(C) Nephew
(D) Son
Ans . D
Q.67. A woman showed a person’s photograph & said: “This person’s wife is my mother-in-law’s only daughter-in-law.” What is the relation of the woman & that person?
(A) Husband-Wife
(B) Father-Daughter
(C) Brother-Sister
(D) Mother-Son
Ans . A
Q.68. Abhishek pointed a girl & said: “She is the daughter of my father’s only child.” How Abhishek’s wife is related to that girl?
(A) Mother
(B) Sister
(C) Aunt
(D) Daughter
Ans . A
Q.69. Amit is Rahul’s son. Rahul’s sister Sarika has a son Sonu & a daughter Rita. Raja is Sonu’s mama. How Rita is related to raja?
(A) Sister
(B) Niece
(C) Daughter
(D) Mother
Ans . B
Q.70. K & L are two brother. P & O are a married couple. N is K’s daughter. L is Q’s husband & P’s father. If M & K are mother & son, O is a son-in-law of L, then what is the relation between P & M?
(A) Grand daughter & Grandmother
(B) Grand daughter & Grandmother ( maternal)
(C) Mother-Son
(D) Grandson-Grandmother (paternal)
Ans . A