Blood Relation Questions in English for Bank PO and SSC CGL Exams

Blood Relation Questions for Competitive Exams:
Q.1. P is Q’s brother, R is Q’s mother, S is R’s father, T is S’s mother. What is the relation of P with T?
(A) Granddaughter
(B) Great Grandson
(C) Grandson
(D) Grandmother
Ans . B
Q.2. A is a mother of B, C is a son of A, D is a brother of E, E is a daughter of B, B is a brother of F, then D is a grandmother of –
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Ans . A
Q.3. X is Y’s brother, Y is Z’s wife, Z is W’s son, W is V’s wife. What is the relation of V with Y ?
(A) Mother-in-law
(B) Brother-in-law
(C) Father-in-law
(D) Son-in-law
Ans . C
Q.4. A & B are sister, R & S are brothers, daughter of A is sister of R, then what is the relation of B with S?
(A) Mother
(B) Grandmother
(C) Sister
(D) Aunt
Ans . D
Q.5. A said to B: “C is my father’s nephew. D is my uncle' child, but not C’s brother.’’ What is the relation of D with C?
(A) Mother
(B) Sister
(C) Brother
(D) Father
Ans . B
Q.6. E is a sister of B, A is a father of C, B is a son of C, then what is the relation of A with E?
(A) Grandfather
(B) Granddaughter
(C) Father
(D) Great Grandfather
Ans . A
Q.7. A man pointed a photograph & said to his friend: “She is the daughter of the only son of my father’s wife.’’ How the girl in the photograph is related to that person?
(A) Daughter
(B) Cousin Sister
(C) Mother
(D) Sister
Ans . A
Q.8. A is a brother of B, C is father of D, E is a mother of B, A & D are brother, then what is the relation of E with C?
(A) Sister
(B) Sister-in-law
(C) Nieces
(D) Wife
Ans . D
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