Blood Relation Questions Tricks For Competitive Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 18.1K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
blood relation questions tricks

In this blog, I am going to tell you the important tricks related to blood relation, which will help you to solve the questions of blood relation. If you solve these blood relation questions tricks then you can save a lot of time in the exam. 

In this blog, blood relation questions are being answered for your practice. You increase your performance level by practice these questions.

Short Tricks of Blood Relation Questions

It is necessary to have a knowledge about the relation to solve the question related to the relations. if we learn the matter told in the question on us, then the solution will be easy.

Cousin: Mother's or Father's Brother's or Sister's Son or Daughter (or) Parent's siblings' son or daughter (or) Uncle's or Aunt's son or daughter.

Nephew:  Brother's or Sister's son

Niece: Brother's or Sister's daughter.

Uncle: Father's or Mother's brother.

Aunt: Father's or Mother's sister

Father-in-Law: Spouse's father (or) Wife's or Husband's Father

Mother-in-Law: Spouse's mother (or) Wife's or Husband's Mother

Son-in-Law: Daughter's Husband

Daughter-in-Law: Son's wife

Brother-in-Law: Spouse's brother (or) Sister's husband

Sister-in-Law: Spouse's sister (or) Brother's Wife

Maternal: of or related to Mother

Paternal: of or related to Father

Siblings: brothers or sisters

Spouse: Husband or Wife

Note: Cousin is a COMMON GENDER, there are NO such words Cousin Brother / Cousin Sister


-2 Generation: Grandfather and Grand Mother (Maternal & Paternal)

-1 Generation: Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Brother-in-Law, Sister-in-Law, Cousin

+1 Generation: Son, Daughter, Son-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law, Nephew, Niece

+2 Generation: Grand Sons and Grand Daughters.

Some important facts:

* If the question is "How is A related to B". Then you must know the gender of A to answer the question.

* Without knowing A's gender, you cannot determine the relation from A to B

* If a person is Uncle or Aunt to "A", A is that person's nephew (if A is Male) or niece (if A is female).

* Cousin is a common Gender (I mean, you can use this word for both Male and Female).

Example.1. A says to B, "you are the son of my grandfather’s only son".

(1) How is B related to A?

(2) How is A related to B?


B is Brother of A.

My grand father's only son = A's father (grand father's only son means only ONE son. No other son and no daughter also).

A is either brother or sister to B.

A and B are siblings. B is brother to A as we know the Gender of B. But we don’t know the Gender of A. So we can’t say whether A is Brother or Sister to B.

Example.2. Pointing to a boy Rekha said, "He is the son of my mother-in-law's only Child". How is the boy related to Rekha?


My mother-in-law's only child = Rekha's mother-in-law's only child = Rekha's husband.

The boy is the son of the Rekha's Husband. So obviously Rekha is the mother to that boy and that boy is the Son of Rekha.

Example.3. The mother of Ranbir is the only daughter of Neetu’s father. How Neetu is related to Ranbir?


Only daughter of Neetu's father  = Neetu only. The mother of Ranbir is Neetu, so Neetu is the mother of Ranbir

Example.4.  B is the husband of C. A is the sister of B. D is the sister of C. How is D related to B?


B is Husband and C is his Wife.

A is the sister of B, so A is the Sister-in-Law of C ( Husband's sister).

D is the sister of C so, D is the Sister-in-Law of B (Wife's Sister).

Example.5. Amit is the son of Ajit's grandfather’s only daughter. How is Ajit's father related to Amit?


Ajit's grand father's only daughter means Ajit's mother. Amit is the son of Ajit's mother. So, Amit and Ajit are Siblings. Ajit's father is Amith's father too

Example.6.  Pointing towards a girl, a Person said, "She is the only daughter of the only son of the wife of the father-in-law of my wife". How is the girl related to the Person?


Father-in-Law of my wife = Father in Law of the Person's Wife = Person's Father

Wife of the Father-in-law of my wife = Wife of the Person's Father = Person's Mother.

Only son of Person's Mother = That Person only (because Person's parents don’t have any other child)

So, she is the only daughter of Person as the Person does not have any other Children.

You can ask me about blood relation questions tricks in the comment section if you face any problem. Go to the next page to know more.

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Vikram Singh

Providing knowledgable questions of Reasoning and Aptitude for the competitive exams.

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