Blood Relations Reasoning Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Blood Relations Questions and Answers
Q :
Vinod introduces Vishal as the son of the only brother of his father's wife. How is Vinod related to Vishal?
(A) Son
(B) Uncle
(C) Cousin
(D) Brother
Correct Answer : C
P's father Q is B's paternal uncle and A's husband M is P's paternal uncle. How is A related to B ?
(A) Mother
(B) Cousin
(C) Aunt
(D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
Correct Answer : A
Looking at one person, a woman said, "His brother's father is the only son of my grandfather." How is the woman related to that person?
(A) father's sister
(B) sister
(C) Daughter
(D) Mother
Correct Answer : B
How is A related to F in the given expression?
A + B × C ÷ D * E # F
(A) Son
(B) Son- in- law
(C) Brother
(D) Father- in- law
Correct Answer : B
A, is brother of B. C is mother of A. B is granddaughter of D. and F is the son of A. what is relation of F to D?
(A) grandson
(B) Nephew
(C) Uncle
(D) Great grandson
Correct Answer : D
In the expression P × Q -T how is T related to P?
(A) Son
(B) Mother
(C) Daughter
(D) Can't be determined
Correct Answer : D
A, B and C are sisters, D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B. How is A related to D?
(A) Aunt
(B) Sister
(C) Cousin
(D) Niece
Correct Answer : A
How is U related P in the given expression?
U # T × S ÷ R × Q + P
(A) Sister
(B) Husband
(C) Wife
(D) Mother-in-law
Correct Answer : C
P is the father of T. T is the daughter of M. M is the daughter of K. then how is p related to K?
(A) Brother
(B) Son-in-law
(C) Father
(D) Father- in- law
Correct Answer : B
A prisoner introduced a boy who came to visit him to the jailor as “Brothers and sisters I have none, he is my father’s son’s son”. Who is the boy?
(A) Nephew
(B) Son
(C) Cousin
(D) Uncle
Correct Answer : B
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