GRE Practice Question and Answer
8Q: Read each part of the sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. As much as i admire him for his talent(1) / and endeavor to achieve success(2)/ I cannot forgive him for being so(3)/rude to the not so well to do ones(4) 1459 05b5cc6cae4d2b4197774e0a4
5b5cc6cae4d2b4197774e0a4- 1(1)true
- 2(2)false
- 3(3)false
- 4(4)false
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Answer : 1. "(1)"
Explanation :
Answer: A) (1) Explanation: The error lies in part (1). As the phrase 'as much as' needs to be replaced with 'much as I'. This is because we use 'as much as' for comparing two qualities or things. But here in the given sentence a contrast is given in the latter part of the sentence. So we need a conjunction like 'even though' 'although' etc... 'Much as I' also serves the same purpose.
Q: In a certain code language, 'is uc he bh kr' mean 'Lucky likes to dance freely', 'ha by lm kr op' mean 'Dance can be a hobby', 'he id ac kr bh' mean 'Lucky teaches dance to kids' and 'kr id bh tw uc' mean 'Kids dance freely with Lucky'. Now answer the given question. 'Lucky likes to dance with kids' can be coded as ? 2323 05b5cc6cae4d2b4197774e031
5b5cc6cae4d2b4197774e031- 1he kr op id uc twfalse
- 2bh is he kr tw idtrue
- 3ac tw op bh uc idfalse
- 4None of the abovefalse
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Answer : 2. "bh is he kr tw id"
Explanation :
Answer: B) bh is he kr tw id Explanation: From given data, codes for Lucky - bh Likes - is to - he Dance - kr with - tw Kids - id Hence, Lucky like to dance with kids can be coded as 'bh is he kr tw id'.
Q: Find the odd letter/word from the given alternatives. 1271 05b5cc6cae4d2b4197774dff2
5b5cc6cae4d2b4197774dff2- 1Horsetrue
- 2Ewefalse
- 3Hindfalse
- 4Bitchfalse
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Answer : 1. "Horse"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Horse Explanation: Except Horse, remaining all belong to female category. Hind - Female Deer Ewe - Female Sheep Bitch - Female Dog.
Q: In the following sentence, Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence. A four - year - old girl ______ her life after she was _____ from a 400 ft bore well she had slipped into. 2314 05b5cc6c9e4d2b4197774df6f
5b5cc6c9e4d2b4197774df6f- 1Default, releasedfalse
- 2Made, treatedfalse
- 3Maintained, sustainedfalse
- 4Lost, rescuedtrue
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Answer : 4. "Lost, rescued"
Explanation :
Answer: D) Lost, rescued Explanation: Lost, rescued are the words which gives meaning to the sentence. For other options: Default - Fail Sustained - suffered are suitable and correct pairs.
Q: In a family of six person O, N, M, R, Q and P each play one game out of six games viz. Football, Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Cricket and Basketball. There are two married couples. N who play Hockey is daughter-in-law of Q. O is the father of R who is Golf player. R is the father of M who is a cricketer. P is the brother of M. Football is not played by any female member. Q's husband play Basketball. Questions : 1. How is M related to Q ? 2. Which person play Tennis ? 801 05b5cc6c9e4d2b4197774df69
5b5cc6c9e4d2b4197774df69- Show AnswerHide Answer
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Answer :
Explanation :
Q(f) - O(m) (Tennis) (Basketball) | R(m) - N(f) (Golf) (Hockey) | M P(m) (Cricketer) (Football) Answer 1: Can't be determined because M may be Grandson or Grand daughter of Q. Answer 2: Q plays Tennis.
Q: Rearrange the following sentences ( 1353 05b5cc6c8e4d2b4197774df4b
5b5cc6c8e4d2b4197774df4b- 1, (false
- 2, (true
- 3, (false
- 4, (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. (false
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Answer : 2. ", ("
Explanation :
Answer: B) E C F A D B Explanation:
Q: If E = 5 and READ is coded as 7, then what is the code of 'DEAR' ? 11950 05b5cc6c6e4d2b4197774de4a
5b5cc6c6e4d2b4197774de4a- 16false
- 27true
- 38false
- 49false
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Answer : 2. "7"
Explanation :
Answer: B) 7 Explanation: Here E = 5 = 5/1 = 5 => READ = 18 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 28/4 = 7 => DEAR = 4 + 5 + 1 + 18 = 28/4 = 7
Q: Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence to make the sentence meaningfully complete. The policy on foreign direct investment in multi- brand retail may be _______ in a political impasse, but big retail chains are using India as sourcing base and making an _________ on local businesses. 1656 05b5cc6c5e4d2b4197774dd55
5b5cc6c5e4d2b4197774dd55- 1Caught, impacttrue
- 2Caught, effectfalse
- 3Fetched, affectfalse
- 4Fetching, impactfalse
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Answer : 1. "Caught, impact"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Caught, impact Explanation: Caught - according to the sentence given caught means to become involved in something, often without wanting to. Impasse - means a situation in which further development is impossible.