Indian Geography Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: On which date 'International Tiger Day' is celebrated every year?
756 16103affcd188ff30cc06e8fd
6103affcd188ff30cc06e8fd- 125th Julyfalse
- 2July 27false
- 329th Julytrue
- 430th Julyfalse
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Answer : 3. "29th July"
Explanation :
1. International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July.
2. This day is also called Global Tiger Day.
3. This day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation.
Q: When is "International Tiger Day" celebrated every year?
618 062f0c91106679c6dabc4c3c7
62f0c91106679c6dabc4c3c7- 130 Julyfalse
- 231 Julyfalse
- 329 Julytrue
- 415 Julyfalse
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Answer : 3. "29 July"
Explanation :
1. International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July.
2. This day is also called Global Tiger Day.
3. This day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation.
Q: When is World Tiger Day celebrated every year?
1021 05f225b2f0d44c43edf062631
5f225b2f0d44c43edf062631- 129 Julytrue
- 230 Julyfalse
- 331 Julyfalse
- 427 Julyfalse
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Answer : 1. "29 July"
Explanation :
1. International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July.
2. This day is also called Global Tiger Day.
3. This day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation.
Q: When is Global Tiger Day celebrated?
1004 05f23b75c1436461f6a2e3d72
5f23b75c1436461f6a2e3d72- 129 Julytrue
- 229 Augustfalse
- 329 Septemberfalse
- 429 Junefalse
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Answer : 1. "29 July"
Explanation :
1. International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July.
2. This day is also called Global Tiger Day.
3. This day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation.
Q: On which of the following dates is International Tiger Day observed?
788 0644be5490c6225ce3562a490
644be5490c6225ce3562a490- 112th Mayfalse
- 210th Januaryfalse
- 35th Novemberfalse
- 429th Julytrue
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Answer : 4. "29th July"
Explanation :
1. International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July.
2. This day is also called Global Tiger Day.
3. This day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation.
Q: Which date 'International Tiger Day' is celebrated every year?
920 0610ce3e6e304a03f5d153a62
610ce3e6e304a03f5d153a62- 125th Julyfalse
- 2July 27false
- 329th Julytrue
- 430th Julyfalse
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Answer : 3. "29th July"
Explanation :
1. International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July.
2. This day is also called Global Tiger Day.
3. This day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation.
Q: International Tiger Day is celebrated on which of the following days?
1016 06103b343f5b6c330e5965174
6103b343f5b6c330e5965174- 1January 10false
- 212 Aprilfalse
- 325 Augustfalse
- 429 Julytrue
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Answer : 4. "29 July"
Explanation :
1. International Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July.
2. This day is also called Global Tiger Day.
3. This day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation.
Q: Which is the widest river in India?
2200 15e718d268c54f96d80e980e1
5e718d268c54f96d80e980e1- 1Brahmaputratrue
- 2Gomtifalse
- 3Gangesfalse
- 4Chambalfalse
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Answer : 1. "Brahmaputra"
Explanation :
1. Brahmaputra is the widest river in India.
2. The Brahmaputra River originates as Siang or Dihang from the Chemayungdung glacier of the Kailash range near Lake Manasarovar.
3. It enters India from the west of Sadiya town in Arunachal Pradesh.
Tributaries: Dibang, Lohit, Siang, Budhi Dihing, Tista and Dhansiri.
4. The average width of the Brahmaputra valley is about 80 kilometres.
5. The main river of the valley, the Brahmaputra is one of the largest rivers in the world and ranks fifth in terms of its average runoff.
6. Namcha Barwa is a mountain peak in the Tibetan Himalayas with an altitude of 7757 meters. Tsangpo - The Brahmaputra river takes a U-turn on reaching Namcha Barwa and enters India in Arunachal Pradesh through a narrow valley.
7. The Himalayas extend in the east-west direction from the Indus Valley in the west to the Brahmaputra Valley in the east.