Coding and Decoding Questions and Answers

Vikram Singh4 years ago 29.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Coding and Decoding Questions

Coding and decoding questions are often asked in Reasoning subject in competitive exams like SSC, UPSC, Banking etc. In coding and decoding, the actual letter given in the word has to be replaced with another letter by a particular rule given in the code. The candidate has to identify and give the answer the particular rule accordingly. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes quite difficult for students to solve it easily.

So here, I have provided important reasoning questions related to coding and decoding for those candidates, who preparing for competitive exams. These questions will be useful for your upcoming competitive exams. So, you should practice with answers to these coding and decoding questions to get good marks in your competitive exams.

you can also practice with Coding Decoding Questions for Bank Exams

Important Coding and Decoding Questions

Q :  

In a certain code language who are you  is written as 432 and they is you is written as 485. and they are dangerous is written as 295. How is dangerous written in that code language?

(A) 5

(B) 9

(C) 2

(D) 4

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

If in a certain code, 95789 is written as EGKPT and 2436 is written as ALUR, then how will 24539 be written in that code?





Correct Answer : A

Q :  

If “BOULDER” is coded as “ZMSJBCP”, then how will ELK be coded as ?





Correct Answer : A

Q :  

In a certain code, 329 means GOD IS LOVE ,  927 means LOVE IS BEATIFUL , What is the code for “GOD” ?

(A) 7

(B) 9

(C) 2

(D) 3

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

If MEKLF is coded as 91782 and LLLJK as 88867, then how can IGHED be coded?

(A) 53410

(B) 75632

(C) 97854

(D) 64521

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

If “ENCRYPT” is coded as “VMXIBKG”, then how will “ARC” be coded as? 





Correct Answer : D

Q :  

In a certain code language Sue Re Nik means She is brave, Pi Sor Re Nik means She is always smiling and Sor Re Zhi means Is always cheerful. What is the code used for the word “smiling”? 

(A) Pi

(B) Sor

(C) Nik

(D) Re

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

If LOSE is coded as 1357 and GAIN is coded as 2468, what do the figures 84615 stand for?





Correct Answer : C

Q :  

If "IMPLORE" is coded as "GKNJMPC “, then how will " HUB " be coded as? 





Correct Answer : A

Q :  

In a certain code language, PINK is written as GREEN, GREEN is written as YELLOW, YELLOW is written as RED, RED is written as WHITE and WHITE is written as INDIGO, then in the same code language what is the colour of BLOOD?

(A) green

(B) yellow

(C) white

(D) red

Correct Answer : C

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    Vikram Singh

    Providing knowledgable questions of Reasoning and Aptitude for the competitive exams.

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