Common Error Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams

Vikram Singh3 years ago 9.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Common Error Questions with Answers

Directions: Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer if there is no error, the answer is (e).

Q :  

Elon musk is determined (a)/ to be success (b)/ in whatever field (c)/ he chooses. (d)/ No error.(e) 

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

Correct Answer : B

Directions: Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer if there is no error, the answer is (e).

Q :  

FATF strongly urges (a)/ Pakistan to swiftly complete its action plan (b)/ by October 2019 to stop (c)/ terror funding in the country (d)/ No error.(e)

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

Correct Answer : E

Directions: Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer if there is no error, the answer is (e).

Q :  

The criminal was (a)/ sentenced to the (b)/ death and was (c) hung for his crime (d)/ No error.(e)

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

Correct Answer : D

Directions : In the following question, four sentences are given which may be grammatically and contextually incorrect. You need to find the one which has no error and mark that as your answer. If all the given sentences are incorrect then mark option (e) i.e. ‘all are incorrect’ as your answer.

Q :  

(a) Mahindra Renewables will sell its entire stake in 3 subsidiaries to CLP India, a part of Hong Kongbased CLP Group, as nearly ₹340 crore.

(b) The agreement will be signed to Doha city between Taliban representatives and U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad.

(c) The U.S. intelligence community publicly concluded that Russia intervened in there security matters.

(d) The injured animal was nursed back to health by the zookeeper and then released back into the wild 

(e) All are incorrect

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

Correct Answer : D

Directions : In the following question, four sentences are given which may be grammatically and contextually incorrect. You need to find the one which has no error and mark that as your answer. If all the given sentences are incorrect then mark option (e) i.e. ‘all are incorrect’ as your answer.

Q :  

(a) Ratnakar Bank was rename as RBL Bank by the government.

(b) The government expects all the mergers of public sector banks, which were announced in 2019, to become effective from April 1. 

(c) Analysts believe that lower gas prices would be bad with exploration

(d) The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation will be regulate the medical devices now.

(e) All are incorrect 

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

Correct Answer : B

Directions : In the following question, four sentences are given which may be grammatically and contextually incorrect. You need to find the one which has no error and mark that as your answer. If all the given sentences are incorrect then mark option (e) i.e. ‘all are incorrect’ as your answer.

Q :  

(a) English language have the potential to connect the world without any barriers

(b) P.K. Sinha was appointed in the PMO when Nripendra Misra, the then Principal Secretary, resigns.

(c) She drink the caramel liquid too fast and was soon too dizzy to stand.

(d) You’re coming to the party, isn’t you?

(e) All are incorrect 

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

Correct Answer : E

Directions : In the following question, four sentences are given which may be grammatically and contextually incorrect. You need to find the one which has no error and mark that as your answer. If all the given sentences are incorrect then mark option (e) i.e. ‘all are incorrect’ as your answer.

Q :  

(a) Tamil Nadu is likely to get three textile parks and a technology research centre under schemes that the Union Ministry of Textiles is formulating.

(b) What is the uses of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?

(c) You have brushed your teeth today?

 (d) Rahul had barely nothing to help the poor children.

(e) All are incorrect

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

Correct Answer : A

Directions: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of the sentence has an error. If there is No error, your answer is (4).

Q :  

The well-known pianist (1)/ had to practice for several hours a day (2)/ even after he rose to fame. (3)/ No error. (4)

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Correct Answer : B

Directions: In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Q :  

Having finished at school (1)/ Raghu thought/ of going to Bombay in (2)/ search some job. (3)/ No error (4)

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

of (Prep.) will be used after search because in search of (Idiom) : looking for Look at the examples given below : They went to California in search of gold. She went into the kitchen in search of a drink. Hence, in search of some job is the right usage.

Directions: In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Q :  

I never considered him to be a person who would (1)/ go back on his promise and (2)/ then do not even apologise. (3)/ No error (4)

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

do (Aux. V.) will not be used because – Each clause has to be structured in a way that is a complete sentence on its own. Look at the structure below : I never considered him to be a person who would go back on his promise. (Sentence I) I never considered him to be a person who would not even apologize. (Sentence II)

Combining the two sentences – I never considered him to be person who would go back on his promise and not even apologise. Hence, not even apologise is the right usage. Use of – would do not even apologize is incorrect.

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Vikram Singh

Providing knowledgable questions of Reasoning and Aptitude for the competitive exams.

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