Computer Knowledge Questions and Answers for Bank PO Exams

Computer Knowledge Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams
Q.11. KIS stands for
A. Knowbot Information Services
B. Knowbot Information Solutions
C. Knowbot Information Security
D. None of the above
Q.12. Double precision variable can occupy
A. 2 bytes
B. 4 bytes
C. 8 bytes
D. 16 bytes
Q.13. UNIVAC is an example of
A. first generation computer
B. second generation computer
C. third generation computer
D. fourth generation computer
Q.14. Following performs modulation/demodulation
A. fiber optic
B. modem
C. satellite
D. coaxial cable
Q.15. The alternative name for application software is
A. utility software
B. practical software
C. end user software
D. specific software
Q.16. A computer programmer is a person who
A. sells program
B. use programs
C. writes programs
D. None of these
Q.17. Which of the following is the input device?
A. scanner
B. pointing Mouse
C. keyboard
D. all the above
Q.18. The set of instructions that tells the computer what to do is
A. Softcopy
B. Hardware
C. Software
D. Hardcopy
Q.19. In formatting, floppy is divided into
A. tracks
B. sectors
C. both and b
D. None of these
Q.20. Multi programming operation provides
A. Handling of more jobs
B. Better scheduling of work
C. reduced computer idle time
D. All of the above
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