Computer System Overview Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Computer System Overview Questions and Answers:
Q.21 Arithmetic Logic Unit
I. Perform arithmetic operations.
II store data
III perform comparisons
IV communicate with input devices
Of the above the correct answer is
(A)I only
(B) III only
(C) I and II
(D) I and III
Ans . D
Q.22 A single bus structure is primarily found in.
(A) main frames
(B) super computers
(C) high performance machine
(D) mini and micro computers
Ans . D
(A) absolute mode
(B) indirect mode
(C) immediate mode
(D) index mode
Ans . D
Q.24 In which of the following terminals, the screen is regarded as an array of pixels, where each pixel is either on or off?
(A) character map terminal
(B) bit map terminal
(C) RS-232 C terminal
(D) All of these
Ans . B
Q.25 Registers which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as the result of operations), are called.
(A) PC
(B) Memory Address Registers
(C) General Purpose registers
(D) Flags
Ans . D
Q.26 A beam of light used to record and retrieve data on optical disks is called.
(A) polarized light
(B) unpolarized concentric light
(C) laser
(D) colored light
Ans . C
Q.27 The magnetic storage chips used to provide nonvolatile direct access storage of data and that have no moving parts are called.
(A) magnetic core memory
(B) magnetic tape memory
(C) magnetic disk memory
(D) magnetic bubble memory
Ans . D
Q.28 The process of fetching and executing instructions, one at a time, in the order of increasing addresses is called.
(A) instruction execution
(B) straight line sequencing
(C) instruction fetch
(D) random sequencing
Ans . B
Q.29 One of the main feature that distinguish microprocessors from microcomputers is….
(A) words are usually larger in micro processors
(B) words are shorter in microprocessors
(C) microprocessor does not contain I/O devices
(D) computer is not fully integrated
Ans . C
Q.30 Microprocessor can be used to make.
(A) computers
(B) digital systems
(C) calculators
(D) all of these
Ans . D
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