Dates and Days-General Knowledge questions and answers #28

Days and Years questions asked in many competitive exams and Days and Years GK is also important for SSC and Banking exams.
Here you can learn Days and Years General Knowledge with important Days and Years gk questions. Prepare for competitive exam by practice Days and Years General Knowledge questions and answers.
Days and Years General Knowledge questions and answers
1. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on
A. Octomber 21
B. December 14
C. February 14
D. November 21
2. No–Tobacco Day falls on
A. June 30
B. May 31
C. April 30
D. September 31
3. Mother Language Day was celebrated on
A. March 3, 2000
B. February 21, 2000
C. February 29, 2000
D. February 14, 2000
4. Press Freedom Day is celebrated on
A. May 1
B. May 2
C. May 3
D. May 4
5. World Red Cross Day falls on
A. May 3
B. May 8
C. May 10
D. May 11
6. Which one of the following days is observed as the World Environment Day?
A. 28th February
B. 4th March
C. 5th June
D. 16th September
7. Swami Vivekananda’s birthday is observed in India was
A. World Religious Day
B. National Youth Day
C. All saints Day
D. Hindu Renaissance Day
8. Human Rights Day is observed on
A. December 10
B. December 14
C. December 25
D. December 28
9. Friendship day is celebrated on
A. August 1
B. August 3
C. August 5
D. August 8
10. When the World population Day is observed?
A. June 7
B. July 7
C. July 11
D. July 28
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Days and Years General Knowledge questions and answers
11. When was the first one day cricket match played?
A. 1974
B. 1975
C. 1976
D. 1978
12. When was the Air Mail service introduced?
A. 1879
B. 1907
C. 1911
D. 1935
13. June 20 is celebrated as
A. Fathers day
B. World Theatre Day
C. World Poetry Day
D. World Disabled Day
14. International Womens Day is celebrated on which of the following dates?
A. April 18
B. March 8
C. May 15
D. September 27
15. On which of the following dates was Hiroshima Day observed?
A. August 15, 1999
B. August 6, 1999
C. August 27, 1999
D. September 7, 1999
16. Octomber 14 is observed as
A. World Information Day
B. World Animal Welfare Day
C. World Standards Day
D. None of these
17. When is the World AIDS Day observed all over the world?
A. 1st octomber
B. 1st December
C. 12th December
D. 12th November
18. When is the Earth Day celebrated?
A. 1st January
B. 30th April
C. 22nd April
D. None of these
19. Easter falls on which day?
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Friday
D. Thursday
20. When was the first television first introduced in India?
A. 1947
B. 1959
C. 1969
D. 1971
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Days and Years General Knowledge questions and answers
21. Which of the following day is observed as World Literacy Day?
A. April 7
B. June 5
C. August 31
D. September 8
22. World Thrift Day is observed on
A. June 6
B. June 18
C. July 1
D. Octomber 30
23. Armed Forces Flag Day is celebrated in India on
A. December 1
B. December 5
C. December 7
D. December 11
24. The first manned satellite which U.S.S.R. has put into orbit was on
A. 4.12.1961
B. 4.12.1957
C. 4.12.1951
D. 4.12.1961
25. When was the Postal order introduced?
A. 1894
B. 1843
C. 1935
D. 1947
Q.26 The first death anniversary day of Sri Rajiv Gandhi was observed as the
(A) National Integration Day
(B) Peace and Love Day
(C) Secularism Day
(D) Anti-Terrorism Day
Ans . D
Q.27 20th August is celebrated as
(A) Earth Day
(B) Sadbhavana Divas
(C) No Tobacco Day
(D) None of these
Ans . B
Q.28 When is the World Population Day observed?
(A) May 31
(B) October 4
(C) December 10
(D) July 11
Ans . D
Q.29 January 15 is celebrated as the
(A) Republic Day
(B) Ugadhi
(C) Teachers' Day
(D) Army Day
Ans . D
Q.30 The centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's arrival in South Africa was celebrated in
(A) May 1993
(B) August 1993
(C) July 1993
(D) September 1993
Ans . A