Definition of Classification - Types of Classification, Problems, Solutions and Questions

Classification topic is an important topic for the competitive exams but some of the students face problems while solving these classification questions. So, here I am giving you complete information about classification topic with the definition of classification, types of classification, classification Problems with solutions and Classifications questions.
You can easily improve your performance by practice with their different types of examples and with different verbal reasoning classification questions and answers also.
Types of Classification with Problem Examples
What is Classification?
‘Classification’ means to assort the items of a given group on the basis of a certain common quality they posses and then spot the stranger or odd one out.
In this test, you are given a group of certain items, out of which all excepts one are similar to one another in some manner. The candidate is required to choose this one item which does not fit into given group.
Classification may be categorized into three types:
1. Semantic
2. Symbolic/Number Classification
3. Figural Classification
1. Semantic Classification
In such type of question, a group of four words is given, three of them bear a common relationship but one does not bear to the same nature, so form a new group. Candidates are required to select that word as an option which does not belong to a common group.
(a) Cholera
(b) Tetanus
(c) Small pox
(d) Typhoid
Ans. c
All except ‘small’ are diseases caused by bacteria, while ‘small pox’ is caused by virus.
Important Note:
Logical approach while distinguish the properties based on function, quantity. Quality, interrelation, instrument and medium or activity relationship.
2. Symbolic/Number classification
In such type of question, a group of letters and numbers is given. On behalf of alphabetical values and their position letters form a group same as numbers follow mathematical operation/rules, hence form a group. Candidates are required to select the option which does not belong to that same group.
(a) XUW
(b) PMN
(c) HEG
(d) DAC
Ans. b
Hence, term ‘PMN’ is the different from the rest.
(a) 356
(b) 639
(c) 527
(d) 246
Except ‘356’ in all other number the sum of the first two digits is equal to the third digit of the number.
Important Note: -
● The basic operation i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
● The family of numbers i.e., even, odd, prime and rational etc.
● Patterns and divisibility test.
● Square and cube of numbers.
● Square root and cube root of numbers. ● The position or order of alphabets/letters.
● Place values of alphabetical letters. ● The figural shapes of alphabetical letters.
● Vowel – consonant relation of alphabets. ● The repetition and skipping of letters.
● Identify the operation occupied by the letters and symbols.
● Indicate the result with the unique identification.
3. Figural Classification
In such type of question, a group four figures is given in them three belongs to a common group with their properties and one belongs to another group. Candidates are required to choose that one figure, which does not belong to the common group. This type of approach of finding the odd figure known as figural classification.
Ans. C
In figure, (c) the dot point ‘●’ is to the left of ‘T’, while in other dot point ‘●’ appears to the opposite of ‘T’.
Important Note: -
● The structure of figures and elements
● The rotation of elements.
● The distribution of elements.
● The position and placing of element.
● Increasing or decreasing level of elements.