English Teaching Methods Questions

The best time to learn a second language is in
(A) early childhood
(B) junior school
(C) senior secondary school
(D) a pidgin
Correct Answer : A
Metalinguistic awareness is
(A) the ability to think and talk about language
(B) the ability to connect the distinctive sounds in words to letters
(C) understanding of the mapping principles between sounds and meaning
(D) the ability to recognize writing from other visual marks
Correct Answer : A
The following statements that are true about language are
(A) all languages use essentially the same number of sounds
(B) all native speakers of a language learn the basic rules of grammar in school
(C) While the different languages may use different phonemes, they all essentially share the same syntax
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer : D
_________is the study of language from a cognitive and developmental law
(A) psycholinguistics
(B) sociolinguistics
(C) comparative linguistics
(D) linguistics
Correct Answer : A
“A student recommends the reading of the latest best-seller, saying that it is very interesting. You listen, trying to make out whether the student’s observation is sincere or not.” This type of listening can be described as:
(A) critical
(B) comprehension
(C) sympathetic
(D) active
Correct Answer : A
Types of ‘text media’ are
(A) audio discs and tapes
(B) illustration and diagrams
(C) motion pictures
(D) and documentaries
Correct Answer : D
The contemporary target language classroom is a confluence of varied languages and language abilities. Teachers should restructure their practices by exposing students to
(A) (a) Summaries and simplified versions of the learning materials, e.g., stories, grammar notes, etc.
(B) Worksheets with a variety of tasks that cover the syllabus and students give their responses in class under the teacher’s guidance
(C) Appropriate challenges based on the syllabus in a secure environment, opportunities for all students to explore ideas and gain mastery.
(D) Adequate self-explanatory notes, either prepared by the teacher or from material writers.
Correct Answer : C
While teaching hearing-impaired students in an inclusive class, it is necessary for a teacher to
(A) make sure that they are including signs and nonverbal signals to strengthen any communication
(B) conduct regular a special class for such students
(C) be in constant touch with the parents for such students.
(D) use cue cards to signal the teaching content
Correct Answer : A
The teaching of reading by associating characters or groups of characters with sounds is the __________ method.
(A) morphemic
(B) direct
(C) phonic
(D) whole-language
Correct Answer : C
CALP stands for _______ Academic Language Proficiency.
(A) communicative
(B) content
(C) cognitive
(D) controlled
Correct Answer : C