First in World - GK Questions

World GK Questions with Answers
Q.25 Who was the first man to draw the map of the earth?
(A) Anexemander
(B) Rehana Singh
(C) Alexa
(D) Preetam Das
Ans . A
Q.26 Who was the first man to compile the Encyclopedia?
(A) Aspheosis
(B) Chand Bihari Sharma
(C) Rakesh Singh
(D) Tom Cruze
Ans . A
Q.27 Who was the First man to reach the North Pole?
(A) Robert Peary
(B) Peter John
(C) Mary John
(D) Sweden Barsolona
Ans . A
Q.28 Who was the First man to reach the South Pole?
(A) Ronald Amundsen
(B) Chand Bihari Sharma
(C) Rakesh Singh
(D) Tom Cruze
Ans . A
Q.29 Name of the First Religion of World?
(A) Sanatan Dharma
(B) Chand Bihari Sharma
(C) Rakesh Singh
(D) Tom Cruze
Ans . A
Q.30 Name of the first Country to print books?
(A) China
(B) India
(C) Japan
(D) Shri Lanka
Ans . A
Q.31 First President of United States of America?
(A) George Washington
(B) Chand Bihari Sharma
(C) Rakesh Singh
(D) Tom Cruze
Ans . A
Q.32 Name of First Prime Minister of Great Britain?
(A) Robert Walpole
(B) Chand Bihari Sharma
(C) Rakesh Singh
(D) Tom Cruze
Ans . A
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