General English Questions 2021
![General English Questions 2021](
Direction(9): In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Occurrance
(B) Occurrence
(C) Occurance
(D) Occurence
Correct Answer : B
Direction(8): In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Pitiaeble
(B) Pitiable
(C) Pitiabale
(D) Pitiebale
Correct Answer : B
Direction(7): In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Inimitable
(B) Innimatible
(C) Inimitible
(D) Inimmitable
Correct Answer : A
Direction(6): In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Tranquillity
(B) Trenquillity
(C) Trenquility
(D) Tranquility
Correct Answer : A
Direction(5): In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Efflorascence
(B) Efflorescence
(C) Efllorescence
(D) Efflorescencce
Correct Answer : B
Direction: In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Bouquete
(B) Bouquet
(C) Boquet
(D) Bouquette
Correct Answer : B
Direction: In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Acurrate
(B) Accurate
(C) Acurate
(D) Accurrate
Correct Answer : B
Direction: In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Paralelled
(B) Parallelled
(C) Paralleled
(D) Parralleled
Correct Answer : C
Direction: In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(A) Lackadaisical
(B) Lackadisical
(C) Lackasaisicle
(D) Lackdaisical
Correct Answer : A
Direction: Select the correct or preferred spelling for each of these commonly misspelled words
Which of the following spellings is correct?
(A) concensus
(B) consencus
(C) consenssus
(D) consensus
Correct Answer : D