General English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam

General English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam
Identify the Sentence
Q.57 He was carrying a heavy load.
A. simple
B. negative
C. compound
D. complex
Ans . A
Q.58 When he want is not known.
A. simple
B. negative
C. complex
D. compound
Ans . C
Find Error
Q.59 Girls usually / are taking / more time / for dressings.
A. girls usually
B. are taking
C. more time
D. for dressings
Ans . B
Q.60 I / am going / to theatre / now.
A. I
B. am going
C. to theatre
D. now
Ans . C
Q.61 Prasanna had a good —– for stage plays.
A. trup
B. troop
C. trupe
D. troupe
Ans . D
Q.62 He has a —– for writing.
A. flare
B. flairs
C. flair
D. fare
Ans . C
Q.63 He is in deep sleep.
A. map
B. sound
C. shallow
D. disturbed
Ans . C
Q.64 Rama is always logical in his thinking.
A. correct
B. rational
C. irrational
D. illogical
Ans . D
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