General Knowledge Quiz for Competitive Exams

GK Questions and Answers
Q.13 When had India a planned holiday?
(A) After the drought of 1966
(B) After the drought of 1969
(C) After the drought of 1968
(D) After the drought of 1967
Ans . A
Q.14 How are Latitude and Longitude?
(A) Equal to each other
(B) Equal from a different side
(C) Perpendicular to each other
(D) The perpendicular from a different side
Ans . C
Q.15 Which Philosophy holds that the world is created and maintained by Universal Law?
(A) Aryan
(B) Bodh
(C) Jain
(D) Hindu
Ans . C
Q.16 Which book is authored by V.S. Naipaul?
(A) A House for Mr. Biswas
(B) Boat on the sea
(C) Picnic of three boys
(D) Swyamvara
Ans . A
Q.17 Which can be used for biological control of mosquitoes?
(A) Gambusia
Ans . A
Q.18 Which proclamation of National Emergency automatically suspends?
(A) Right to Money
(B) Right to Equality
(C) Right to freedom
(D) Right to employment
Ans . C
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