General Math Questions for Bank Exams

A sum of money amounts to 5,200 in 5 years and to 5,680 in 7 years at simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is-
(A) 3%
(B) 4%
(C) 5%
(D) 6%
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
In how many years a sum of Rs. 3000 will yield an interest of Rs. 1080 at 12% per annum simple interest?
(A) 4 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 6 years
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
What annual instalment will discharge a debt of ₹ 6450 due in 4 years at 5% simple interest?
(A) 1500
(B) 1835
(C) 1935
(D) 1950
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Alipta got some amount of money from her father. In how many years will the ratio of the money and the interest obtained from it be 10:3 at the rate of 6% simple interest per annum?
(A) 7 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 4 years
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
The sum of money that will yield Rs. 60 as simple interest at the rate of 6% per annum in 5 years is-
(A) 200
(B) 225
(C) 175
(D) 300
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
A dealer buys a table listed at Rs 1,500 and gets successive discounts of 20% and 10%. He spends Rs. 20 on transportation and sells it at a profit of 20%. The selling price of the table is
(A) Rs.1320
(B) Rs.1350
(C) Rs.1360
(D) Rs.1380
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
A store sells a watch for a profit of 25% of the cost. Then the percentage of profit against selling price is-
(A) 22%
(B) 20%
(C) 18%
(D) 15%
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
If the profit on selling an article for Rs. 425 is the same as the loss on selling it for Rs. 355, then the cost price of the article is
(A) Rs. 390
(B) Rs. 380
(C) Rs. 400
(D) Rs. 440
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
By selling an article for Rs. 450, I lose 20%. For what price should I sell it to gain 20% ?
(A) Rs. 470
(B) Rs. 562.50
(C) Rs. 490
(D) Rs. 675
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
There is 10% loss if an article is sold at Rs. 270. Then the cost price of the article is
(A) Rs 320
(B) Rs. 250
(C) Rs. 300
(D) Rs. 270
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :