GK for Banking Examinations Practice Question part-5

Shreya Malot10 years ago 28.1K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play

1. Which of the following Indian bank is not nationalized bank?

A. Federal bank
B. Dena bank
C. Corporation bank
D. None of these

ans. A

2. Foreign capital inflows into India. Which of the following is not a method?

B. NRI deposits
C. No frills account
D. None of these

ans. C

3. In agriculture and allied activities in India in the 3rd dispensation is the highest part of which of the following?

A. Commercial banks
B. Co-operative banks
C. Private sector banks
D. Microfinance institutions

ans. D

4. In 1969, which of the following was not nationalized bank?

A. Punjab National Bank
B. Bank of India
C. State Bank of India
D. Bank of Baroda

ans. C

5. Which of the following is not bank or financial company?

A. ABN Amro
C. Lufthanja
D. BNP Paribas

ans. C

6. In any financial year the maximum limit of investment in PPF account is how much?

A. 1 lack
B. 70,000 Rs
C. 50,000 Rs
D. There is no limit

ans. A

7. In our country, the Czech release date for payment is valid for Selkitne months.

A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
B. 12

ans. A

8. ____ of our nations domestic term deposits for banks which offer higher rates of interest on term deposits.

A. minors
B. married womens
C. Senior citizens
D. Government employees

ans. C

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Shreya Malot

I am a highly motivated and positive thinking designer & developer from Rajasthan. I am skilled inHTML, CSS, Javascript, Angular.js, Android. In Examsbook mobile app I have undertaken the charge of coding features and functioning.

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