GK Quiz for Competitive Exams

A General Knowledge (GK) Quiz for Competitive Exams is a crucial tool that assesses a candidate's awareness of a wide range of topics, making it an integral part of various competitive examinations. This quiz aims to evaluate an individual's knowledge of current affairs, history, geography, science, technology, politics, and more. The GK Quiz for Competitive Exams typically comprises a series of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) or objective-type questions. These questions are designed to gauge the candidate's understanding of significant events, concepts, and facts that are relevant on a global, national, and regional level. The GK Quiz for Competitive Exams not only tests factual knowledge but also assesses the ability to apply critical thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills to the presented information.
GK Quiz Questions
In this article GK Quiz for Competitive Exams, I am sharing the latest and most important GK Questions related to the Indian Constitution, Indian Polity, and Indian Economy for those aspirants who are preparing for competitive exams.
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GK Quiz for Competitive Exams
Q :
On whose recommendations were the Fundamental Duties included in the Indian Constitution?
(A) Santhanam Committee
(B) Swaran Singh Committee
(C) Shah Commission
(D) Administrative Reforms Commission
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
Fundamental duties were recommended by Sardar Swarn Singh committee.
According to the Directive Principles of State Policy, up to what age children are expected to be given free and compulsory education?
(A) 14 years
(B) 15 years
(C) 16 years
(D) 18 years
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
The State shall endeavour to provide, within a period of ten years from the commencement of this Constitution, for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen years.
Who said in the Constituent Assembly that the Directive Principles of Government Policy "are like a check payable in a bank, which the bank pays at its convenience"?
(A) K.M. Accountant
(B) B.R. ambedkar
(C) Austin
(D) KT Shah
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
KT Shah states that the Directive Principles of State Policy is a check that is paid at the convenience of the bank. Prof. K.T. Shah was an economist of repute also along with being a member of the Constituent Assembly.
The year in which the first industrial policy of independent India was announced was?
(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1951
(D) 1956
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
Industrial Policy – 1948. After having attained independence, the Government of India declared its first Industrial Policy on 6th April, 1948. The Industrial Policy 1948 was presented in the parliament by then Industry Minister Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
Which provision of the Constitution empowers the Central Government to provide reservations for the weaker section of society in jobs and educational institutions?
(A) Article 14
(B) Article 16
(C) Article 46
(D) Article 19
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The Constitution was amended by the Constitution (77th Amendment) Act, 1995 and a new clause (4A) was inserted in Article 16 to enable the government to provide reservation in promotion.
According to the Constitution Article 74, there will be a Council of Ministers to carry out the work of the President and who has been made it's head?
(A) Prime Minister
(B) President
(C) Cabinet Minister
(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
The Prime Minister of India The Prime Minister of India is the head of the government of India.
According to Article 75 of the Indian Constitution, the President appoints the Prime Minister.
Article 78 states that the Prime Minister communicates all decisions made by the council of members to the President. Hence, Option 1 is correct.
The President can also refer to issues for the consideration of the council of members.
The executive branch is also the central advisor to the President of India and the head of the Council of Ministers.
The Prime Minister can be a representative of either of the two houses in the Indian Parliament, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, however, he must be a representative of an ideological group or an alliance with a greater stake in Lok Sabha.
Who among the following was not included in the members of the Constituent Assembly established in July 1946?
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B) K. M. Munshi
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Abul Kalam Azad
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
Mahatma Gandhi is not included in the list. Therefore, the correct answer is Option i.e. Mahatma Gandhi.
Under which of the following pardoning power of the President, the nature of punishment is mitigated?
(A) commutation
(B) avoidance
(C) postponement
(D) procrastination
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Article 72 of the Constitution empowers the President to grant pardons to persons who have been tried and convicted of any offense.
Recently, who has been appointed as Chairman of Digital Payment Committee by RBI?
(A) Abhinav Mishra
(B) Suresh Pratap Singh
(C) Nandan Nilekani
(D) Jaman Rakhila
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
Panel to suggest measures to strengthen safety of digital payments ecosystem. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed Nandan Nilekani, co-founder of Infosys, as the chairman of a five-member high-level committee that will work towards deepening digital payments in India.
The Redistribution polices geared to reduce economic inequalities include
(A) progressive tax policies
(B) land reforms
(C) rural development policies
(D) All the above
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
Redistribution policies geared to reduce economic inequalities include progressive tax policies, land reforms, and rural development policies.