GK Quiz in Hindi and English with Answers for Competitive Exams

Rajesh BhatiaLast year 356.2K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
GK Quiz in Hindi
Q :  

Where can we see the values of Indian democracy in the constitution? 

(A) Preamble

(B) Part-3

(C) Part-4

(D) Part-1

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

The values of Indian democracy can be traced in the Preamble of the Constitution. The 'Preamble' of the Constitution of India is a brief introductory statement that sets out the guiding objectives and principles of the document indicating the source from which the document derives its authority and meaning for the people.

Q :  

In which year, the name of Laccadive, Minicoy and Aminidivi Islands was changed in Lakshadweep by parliamentary act- 

(A) 1973

(B) 1971

(C) 1970

(D) 1972

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

Lakshadweep was formerly known as Laccadive, Minicoy and Aminidivi Islands.

Q :  

How many states are in Union of India- 

(A) 28

(B) 27

(C) 30

(D) 29

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

Currently, there are 29 states and 7 union territories in India.

Q :  

The number of union territories in India are- 

(A) 5

(B) 7

(C) 9

(D) 6

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

There are seven union territories in India. These are Delhi, Puducherry, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Daman and Diu and Lakshadweep.

Q :  

Under Article 1 of the Indian constitution,it is declared that “Bharat means India shall be______”- 

(A) Union of States

(B) Federal State of Unitary features

(C) Federal State of Federal features

(D) Federal state

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

(a) Union of States: This means that India is a federation comprising states and union territories. It emphasizes the unity of the country while recognizing the diversity and autonomy of its states.

(b) Federal State with Unitary Features: India operates as a federal state where power is divided between the central government and individual states. However, there are certain unitary features, such as a strong central authority in matters like defense and national security.

(c) Federal State with Federal Features: This is not a term used to describe the Indian political system. India is often termed as a federal state with unitary features.

(d) Federal State: This term generally implies a political entity where power is shared between a central government and regional entities. India is indeed a federal state where states have their own governments and certain powers, alongside a strong central government.

Q :  

How India is defined article 1 of the constitution-

(A) Federal

(B) Federal with strong unitary base

(C) Confederation

(D) Union of states

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

(a) Federal: This term typically refers to a system of government where power is divided between a central authority and regional entities. India's political system is federal in nature as it includes both a central government and individual state governments.

(b) Federal with Strong Unitary Base: India's federal structure contains elements of both federalism and unitarism. While it is primarily federal, there are strong unitary features, meaning the central government has significant powers, especially in crucial areas like defense and national security.

(c) Confederation: This term refers to a loose union of states where they retain most of their independence and delegate only a few powers to a central body. India is not a confederation; it is a federal union where states have their own governments but are bound together under a strong central authority.

(d) Union of States: This accurately describes India's political structure as mentioned in Article 1 of the Indian Constitution. It signifies that India is a union comprising individual states and union territories, emphasizing both the unity of the country and the diversity and autonomy of its states.

Q :  

The division of power and Independence of judiciary are two important features of – 

(A) Democratic character of government

(B) Federal character of government

(C) Socialist character of government

(D) Unitary character of government

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

The Constitution of India establishes a federal system of government. It contains all the usual features of a federation Viz., two government, Division of powers, written constitution, Supremacy of constitution, Independent judiciary and Bicameralism. Article 1 says that India is a union of states which implies two things: first, Indian federation is not the result of an agreement by the states and second, No state has the right to secede from the federation.

Q :  

In which of the form, composit India has been described in the constitution- 

(A) A Union State

(B) Semi-Federal

(C) Federation of States and Territories

(D) Partly Unitary and Partly Federal

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

According to Article 1 (1), Bhart means India shall be a Union of States. The states and the territories thereof shall be as specified in the first schedule. The territory of India shall comprise.

Q :  

In which of the following form, India has been described as in the constitution- 

(A) Confederation

(B) Unitary

(C) Union of states

(D) Federation

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

Part 1, Article 1 of the constitution says-“BHARAT means India, shall be union of states”. The states and the territories thereof shall be as specified in the first schedule. The territory of India shall comprise.

Q :  

Where is the word “Federal” used in the constitution of India- 

(A) Preamble

(B) Part3

(C) Article 368

(D) Nowhere in constitution

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

Under Article 1, India is described as a “Union of States”. Federal word is not mentain in our constitution.

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    Rajesh Bhatia

    A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at linkedin.com/in/rajesh-bhatia-7395a015b/.

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