Height and Distance Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Vikram Singh6 years ago 33.4K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Height and Distance Questions

Height and Distance Questions and Answers for SSC and Bank Exams:

Q.31. There are two temples, one on each bank of a river just opposite to each other. One temple is 54m high. From the top of this temple, the angles of depression of the top and the foot of the other temple are 300 and 60respectively. The length of the temple is;

(A) 18 m

(B) 36 m

(C) 36√3 m

(D) 18√3 m

Ans .   B

Q.32.A man is standing on the deck of a ship, which is 10m above water level. He observes the angle of elevation of the top of a light house as 600 and the angle of depression of the base of lighthouse as 300. Find the height of the light house.

(A) 30m

(B) 40m

(C) 45m

(D) 38m

Ans .  B

Q.33. A person standing on the bank of a river observes that the angle of elevation of the top of a tree on the opposite bank is 450. When he moves 20m away from the bank, he finds the angle of elevation to be 300. Find the height of the tree.

(A) 10(√3 + 1)m

(B) 15√3 m

(C) 200(√3 + 1)m

(D) 10(√3 - 1)m

Ans .  A

Q.34. From the top of a building 60m high, the angle of elevation and depression of the top and the foot of another building are α and β respectively. Find the height of the second building.

(A) 60(1+ tan α tanβ)

(B) 60(1+ cot α tanβ)

(C) 60(1+ tan α cotβ)

(D) 60(1- tan αcotβ)

Ans .  C

Q.35.From the top of a tower 75m high, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a pole standing on the same plane as the tower are observed to be 30and 450 respectively. Find the height of the pole.

(A) 30.4m

(B) 35.9m

(C) 28.6m

(D) 31.7m

Ans .  D

Q.36.A 10 m long flagstaff is fixed on the top of a tower on the horizontal plane. From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of the top and bottom of the flagstaff are 600 and 45respectively. Find the height of the tower.

(A) 5(√3 + 1)m

(B) 5(√3 + 3)m

(C) 10(√3 - 1)m

(D) 10(√3 + 1)m

Ans .  A

Must check square root and cube root question and answer 

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Vikram Singh

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