Identify the Errors related Questions and Answers general English series #6

Identify the Errors related Questions and Answers
11. Micro towers / are principles / carriers / of telephone.
A. micro towers
B. are principles
C. carriers
D. of telephone
12. The longer/ river in / our country is / ganges.
A. the longer
B. river in
C. our country is
D. ganges
13. Kanmani / is looking / beautiful / nowadays.
A. kanmani
B. is looking
C. beautiful
D. nowadays
14. Vimal / was / murdered/ by a knife.
A. vimal
B. was
C. murdered
D. by a knife
15. The electrician / is / do / writing work.
A. the electrician
B. is
C. do
D. writing work
16. Are / you involved / in this project? / are you?
A. are
B. you involved
C. in this project
D. are you
17. They / are seeing / a cricket match / with great interest.
A. they
B. are seeing
C. a cricket match
D. with great interest
18. The class / is having / forty students / on the rolls.
A. the class
B. is having
C. forty students
D. on the rolls
19. Mahavira / was / a advocate / of non violence
A. mahavira
B. was
C. a advocate
D. of non violence
20. He / has married / her / last month.
A. he
B. has married
C. her
D. last month
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