Very important current Gk questions series #15 Part-1

Current Affairs-March 2013 Part-1
Very important questions for IAS, RAS, SSC CGL, UPSC, BANk PO, UPSC,RPSC, Bank exams and all other exams.If you like the post kindly give rating.
[important]This questions are useful for any competitive exam like IAS, bank PO, SSC CGL, RAS, CDS, UPSC exams and all state related exams. You can attempt them for fun too.[/important]
31. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), which was recently in news is a ___:
A nearby irregular galaxy, and a satellite of the Milky Way
The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is a nearby irregular galaxy, and a satellite of the Milky Way. At a distance of slightly less than 50 kiloparsecs (˜163,000 light-years).
32. At which among the following locations, India’s First All Women Post Office was recently inaugurated?
New Delhi
33. Which among the following was the theme for “International Women’s Day 2013”?
“A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”
34. Who amongst the following Indians was awarded SAARC Literature Award in 2013?
Abhay K
Poet-diplomat from India Abhay K was among the five writers to be honoured with the prestigious Literature Award. Other writers to be honoured with this award were Farheen Chaudhary (Pakistan), Abdul Khaliq Rashid (Afghanistan), Suman Pokhrel (Nepal) and novelist Daya Dissanayake (Sri Lanka).
35. Who is the chairperson of FSDC (Financial Stability and Development Council) ?
Finance Minister
36. In March 2013, Bangladesh has conferred “Liberation War Honour” upon:
Pranab Mukherjee
37. Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has formed a panel to recommend norms to curb the menace of insider trading. This panel is headed by:
Justice N. K. Sodhi
Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has formed a panel under the chairmanship of former chief justice of Karnataka High Court Justice N. K. Sodhi to review insider trading norms to curb the menace of insider trading.
38. The 67th Santosh Trophy tournament has been won in March 2013 by__:
Services beat hosts Kerala in the final of the 67th Santosh Trophy football tournament played at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kochi. It was the third Santosh Trophy title for the Services.
39. ‘Walking with Lions: Tales from a Diplomatic Past’ is a book written by:
K. Natwar Singh
40. . Who is famous his “Hole in the Wall” experiment ?
Sugata Mitra
Educational researcher Sugata Mitra has been awarded the million-dollar TED Prize for pursuing his idea for building the schools in the Internet. Mitra is Professor of Educational Technology at the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University, UK. He is best known for his “Hole in the Wall” experiment, and widely cited in works on literacy and education. “Hole in the wall” experiment: In this experiment in 1999, Mitra and his colleagues installed and Internet-connected PC in an urban slum in New Delhi and left it there (with a hidden camera filming the area). What they saw was, kids from the slum playing around with the computer and in the process learning how to go online and them teaching each other.
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