Important One Word Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

One Word questions and answers for competitive exams
Question 8 : One who knows everything
1. Egoist
2. Vandal
3. Omniscient
4. Gullible
Ans . C
Question 9 : Practice of having several husbands
1. Bigamy
2. Polyandry
3. Omnipotent
4. Inimitable
Ans . B
Question 10 : Life history written by oneself
1. History
2. Biography
3. Autobiography
4. Novel
Ans . C
Question 11 : The person who collects coins
1. Numismatist
2. Oologist
3. Arctophile
4. Notaphilist
Ans . A
Question 12 : The person who collects stamps
1. Notaphilist
2. Scripophilist
3. Coleopterist
4. Philatelist
Ans . D
Question 13 : A Government by the few
1. Plagiarist
2. Oligarchy
3. Autocracy
4. Plutocracy
Ans . B
Question 14 : One who believes in god
1. Gnostic
2. Agnostic
3. Atheist
4. Theist
Ans . D