Very important Indian Politics GK Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

GK Political Questions
Q.81 The powers of the Indian Parliament to amend Fundamental Rights was established by
(A) 21st Amendement (B)
(B) 25th Amendement
(C) 90th Amendement (D)
(D) 42nd Amendement
Ans . B
Q.82 The First Constitutional Amendment was made in the year
(A) 1950
(B) 1951
(C) 1952
(D) 1955
Ans . B
Q.83 The electoral list with photograph is introduced in Tamil Nadu during the year
(A) 2004
(B) 2006
(C) 2005
(D) 2000
Ans . B
Q.84 Which is the first country in the world guaranteed right to information?
(A) America
(B) France
(C) England
(D) Sweeden
Ans . D
Q.85 Who is the Governor of Reserve Bank of India at present?
(A) Rangarajan
(B) Bimal Jalan
(C) Y. Reddy
(D) Urjit Patel
Ans . D
Q.86 The enquiry of Centre State relation is conducted by
(A) Santhanam committee
(B) Sarkaria committee
(C) Ashok Mehta committee
(D) None of these
Ans . B
Q.87 When was the constituent assembly established to frame the constitution of India?
(A) 6th December, 1946
(B) 26th November, 1949
(C) 26th December, 1949
(D) 10th June, 1946
Ans . A
Q.88 The Indian constitution is a
(A) brief constitution
(B) very brief constitution
(C) medium constitution
(D) bulkiest constitution
Ans . D
Q.89 The constitution of India is
(A) flexible
(B) rigid
(C) partly rigid and partly flexible
(D) none of these
Ans . C
Q.90 How many items the concurrent list comprises in the Indian Constitution?
(A) 47 items
(B) 66 items
(C) 96 items
(D) 99 items
Ans . A