Input and Output System Question and Answers for Competitive Exams
Input and Output System Questions with Answers:
Q.31 Large computer system typically uses.
(A) dot-matrix printers
(B) daisy wheel printers
(C) ink jet printers
(D) line printers
Ans . D
Q.32 Which of the following printers, are you sure will not be used if your objective is to print on multi carbon forms?
(A) daisy wheel
(B) cot-matrix
(C) laser
(D) thimble
Ans . C
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Q.33 Which of the following is not part of CRT?
(A) phosphorous screen
(B) shadow mask
(C) electron gun
(D) gas plasma
Ans . D
Q.34 Which of the following does not affect the resolution of a video display image?
(A) bandwidth
(B) raster scan rate
(C) vertical and horizontal lines of resolution
(D) screen size
Ans . D
Q.35 Which of the following is used to produce high quality graphics (hard copy) in color?
(A) RGB monitor
(B) plotter
(C) ink jet printer
(D) laser printer
Ans . B
Q.36 The terminal device that functions as a cash register computer terminal, and OCR reader is ……
(A) video display terminal
(B) OCR register terminal
(C) data collection terminal
(D) POS terminal
Ans . C
Q.37 The technique designed to support the effective access of microfilmed data is ……
(A) micro fiche retrieval
(C) micrographics
(D) all of these
Ans . C
Q.38 An impact printer that uses an interchangeable, rotating printing unit for hard copy output is …….
(A) terminal printer
(B) wire-matrix printer
(C) drum printer
(D) daisy wheel printer
Ans . D
Q.39 Which of the following printing devices provide an output composed of a series of dots?
(A) coir-matrix printer
(B) band printer
(C) Wang image printer
(D) either (A) or (C)
Ans . D
Q.40 Which of the following terminals output most closely resembles the output produced by a plotter?
(A) graphics terminal
(B) POS terminal
(C) hard copy terminals
(D) all of these
Ans . A