Logical Reasoning - Statement Arguments Questions and Answers

Welcome to our blog dedicated to Statements Arguments Questions and Answers blog! In this space, we delve into the intricacies of logical reasoning, critical thinking, and effective communication. We explore the art of constructing compelling arguments, analyzing statements, and formulating thought-provoking questions.
Statements: We unravel the power of words and dissect statements to understand their meanings, implications, and nuances. Our discussions revolve around identifying facts, opinions, and biases within statements.
Arguments: Dive deep into the world of persuasive reasoning. Learn how to build strong arguments, counter opposing viewpoints, and develop your skills in defending your perspective. We explore various argumentative techniques and logical fallacies to enhance your debating prowess.
Statement Arguments Questions
In this article Logical Reasoning - Statement Arguments Questions and Answers, I am trying to share the latest and most important questions related to Statement Arguments under the Logical Reasoning section for upcoming competitive exams.
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Logical Reasoning - Statement Arguments Questions and Answers
Q :
A situation is given, followed by two conclusions I and II. Read the situation and both the conclusions carefully and select the correct answer.
Situation: Since the past 15 years, 75% of the products in the world’s pottery market comes from Country K. However, the employment in the pottery industry of Country K has been consistently declining by 5-9% every year since the past 3 years.
I. Even after declining employment, Country K has enough potters to continue contributing equally to the international market.
II. The local demand of pottery in Country K has substantially decreased leading to less interest among potters.
(A) Neither I nor II can be concluded
(B) Only II can be concluded
(C) Only I can be concluded
(D) Both I and II can be concluded
Correct Answer : C
In this question, two statements I and II have been given. These statements may be independent causes or effects of independent causes or a common cause. One of the statements may be the effect of the other statement. Read both statements and select the correct answer.
I. Country X reduced their crude oil import by 6% in the last 5 years.
II. The automobile industry in Country X has witnessed a sharp decline of 13% in its growth margin this year.
(A) Both I and II are effects of independent causes.
(B) I is the cause and II is its possible effect.
(C) II is the cause and I is its possible effect.
(D) Both I and II are independent causes.
Correct Answer : A
In this question, a statement is followed by two courses of action, numbered I and II. You must assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which course of action/s logically follows for pursuing.
Statement: There is a large increase in migration of villagers to urban areas as repeated crop failure has put them into financial problems. Course of action:
I. The villagers should be provided with an alternate source of income in their villages which will make them stay there only.
II. To ensure their survival, the migrated villagers should be given access to all housing options in urban areas.
(A) Only II follows
(B) Both I and II follow
(C) Neither I nor II follows
(D) Only I follows
Correct Answer : D
Directions: A statement is given followed by two inferences I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance with commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given inferences, if any, follow from the given statement.
Extensive use of pesticides in agricultural production contaminates soil and water, remain in the crops and finally enter food chain, thereby posing threat to the human beings.
I. Excessive use of pesticides in agricultural production is not good for people.
II. Excessive use of pesticides in agricultural production can have a bad effect on water.
(A) If only II follows
(B) If neither I nor II follows
(C) If only I follows
(D) If both I and II follow
Correct Answer : D
Directions: A statement is given followed by two inferences I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance with commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given inferences, if any, follow from the given statement.
Statement I: Classical Indian logicians (Naiyāyikas) define Upamāna (Comparison) as the cognition of the new object through similarity, known by another means of cognition.
Statement II: Naiyāyikas consider upamāna as a type of inductive reasoning and therefore view it as a type of inference (anumāna) only.
(A) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
(B) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
(C) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
(D) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
Correct Answer : B
A statement is given below followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the assumption is implicit in the statement.
A warning in a train compartment "To stop train, pull the chain". Penalty for improper use 1000."
I. Some people misuse the stop chain.
II. On certain occasions, people may want to stop a running train.
(A) If only assumption I is implicit.
(B) If only assumption II is implicit.
(C) If both I and II are implicit.
(D) If neither I nor II is implicit.
Correct Answer : C
Assume following statement is true. On the basis of statement decide which of the courses of action logically follows it.
People residing in some tribal areas are far from education.
Courses of action:
I. A mass awareness programme must be initiated in these areas.
II. Social workers should be entrusted to educate them.
(A) Only I follows.
(B) Only II follows.
(C) Both I and II follows.
(D) Neither I nor II follows.
Correct Answer : A
In this question, a statement is followed by two courses of action, numbered I and II. You must assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which course of action/s logically follows for pursuing.
A large number of the people of the city are diagnosed to be suffering from Malaria disease.
Course of Action:
I. The city municipal authorities should take immediate steps to carry out extensive fumigation in the city.
II. The people in the area should be advised to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.
(A) Both I and II follow
(B) Only II follows
(C) Only I follows
(D) Neither I nor II follows
Correct Answer : A
A statement is given below followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and which is a 'weak' argument.
Should foreign films be banned in India?
I. Yes, they depict an alien culture which adversely affects our values.
II. No, foreign films are of a high artistic standard.
(A) Only I is strong.
(B) Only II is strong.
(C) Both I and II are strong.
(D) Neither I nor II is strong.
Correct Answer : D
In this question, two statements I and II have been given. These statements may be independent causes or effects of independent causes or a common cause. One of the statements maybe the effect of the other statement. Read both statements and select the correct answer.
I. This year College X reduced the cut-off marks to 50 from 60 for the entrance exam.
II. In the last two years, the Students Union in College X has been actively negotiating with the college administration regarding the Quality of food and Health and Hygiene standards at the College Canteen.
(A) II is the cause and I is its possible effect
(B) I is the cause and II is its possible effect
(C) Both I and II are effects of independent causes
(D) Both I and II are independent causes
Correct Answer : C