Logical Sequence Of Words Questions And Answers

Logical sequence of words verbal reasoning questions:
Q.61. 1. Never 2. Sometimes 3. Generally 4. Occasionally 5. Always
(A) 5,2,1,3,4
(B) 5,3,2,1,4
(C) 5,3,2,4,1
(D) 5,2,4,3,1
Ans . C
Q.62. 1. Rain 2. Monsoon 3. Rescue 4. Flood 5. Shelter 6. Relief
(A) 1,2,4,5,3,6
(B) 1,2,3,4,5,6
(C) 2,1,4,3,5,6
(D) 4,1,2,3,6,5
Ans . C
Q.63. Arrange the following words in the order of the dictionary:
(A) 3,5,1,4,2
(B) 3,5,4,1,2
(C) 5,3,4,2,1
(D) 5,3,2,1,4
Ans . A
Direction:(64): Arrange the following words in the order of the dictionary:
Q.64. 1. Dissident 2. Dissolve 3. Dissent 4. Dissolute 5. Dissolution
(A) 3,1,4,5,2
(B) 3,2,1,4,5
(C) 3,1,4,2,5
(D) 3,2,4,5,1
Ans . A
Q.65. Arrange the following words in the order of the dictionary:
1. Inhabit 2. Ingenious 3. Inherit 4. Influence 5. Infatuation
(A) 1,2,3,4,5
(B) 5,4,1,2,3
(C) 4,5,2,1,3
(D) 5,4,2,1,3
Ans . D
Q.66. 1. Honey 2. Flower 3. Bee 4. Wax
(A) 1,3,4,2
(B) 2,1,4,3
(C) 2,3,1,4
(D) 4,3,2,1
Ans . C
Q.67. 1. Ocean 2. Rain 3. Clouds 4. River 5. Mansoon
(A) 3,2,1,5,4
(B) 5,3,2,4,1
(C) 1,3,2,5,4
(D) 2,3,4,5,1
Ans . B
Direction:(68): Which of the following option shows the proper order of the given words ?
Q.68. 1. Fruit 2. Flower 3. Seed 4. Pollen 5. Bud
(A) 1,2,3,4,5
(B) 4,2,5,3,1
(C) 5,2,4,3,1
(D) 5,2,4,1,3
Ans . D
Q.69. 1. Study 2. Work 3. Examination 4. Earning 5. Appointment
(A) 1,3,5,2,4
(B) 1,2,3,4,5
(C) 1,3,2,5,4
(D) 1,3,5,4,2
Ans . A
Q.70. Arrange the following words in the order of the dictionary:
1. Counter 2. Courier 3. Courage 4. Counsel 5. Country
(A) 5,2,3,4,1
(B) 4,1,5,3,2
(C) 1,5,4,3,2
(D) 2,5,4,3,1
Ans . B
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