Logical Venn Diagram in Detail - Verbal Reasoning

Practice Questions of Logical Venn Diagram
Directions(Question 1 to 20) : In each of these questions, three words are related in some way. The relationship among the word in the question can best be represented by one of the five diagrams (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) given below. Mark your answer accordingly.
Q.1.Musicians, Singers, Women.
Ans . A
Q.2. Parrots, Birds, Mice
Ans . D
Q.3. Elephant, Carnivore, Tiger.
Ans . D
Q.4. Cabinet, Home Minister, Minister
Ans . B
Q.5. Fish, Herring, Animal living in water.
Ans . B
Q.6. Iron, Lead, Nitrogen.
Ans . E
Q.7. Hospital, Nurse, Patient.
Ans . C
Q.8. Mother, Homosapien, Woman.
Ans . B
Q.9. Rice, Mustard, Beetroot.
Ans . E
Q.10. Teacher, College, Student.
Ans . C