Machine Input Output Reasoning Questions for Competitive Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 18.7K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
machine input output reasoning questions

Important Machine Input Output Reasoning Questions:

Direction (6 to 9) : Study the given information and answer the following question: A word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement: (All the numbers are two-digit numbers)

Input: tall 48 13 rise alt 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barn.

Step 1: 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barn alt.

Step 2: 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 56 alt barn.

Step 3: 32 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 wise jar 56 alt barn high.

Step 4: 48 32 28 13 tall rise 99 76 wise 56 alt barn high jar rise.

Step 5: 56 48 32 28 13 tall 99 76 wise alt barn high jar rise

Step 6: 76 56 48 32 28 13 99 wise alt barn high jar rise tall

Step 7: 99 76 56 48 32 28 13 alt barn high jar rise tall wise.

And Step VII is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: 84 why sit 14 32 not best ink feet 51 27 vain 68 92.

Q.6. Which step number is the following output?

32 27 14 84 why sit not 51 vain 92 68 feet best ink

(A) Step V

(B) Step VI

(C) Step IV

(D) Step III

(E) There is no such step.

Ans .   E

Q.7. Which word/number would be at 5th position from the right in Step V?

(A) 14

(B) 9

(C) feet

(D) best

(E) why

Ans .   D

Q.8. How many elements (words or numbers) are there between 'feet' and '32' as they appear in the last step of the output?

(A) One

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) Five

(E) Seven

Ans .   B

Q.9. Which of the following represents the position of ‘why' in the fourth step?

(A) Eighth from the left

(B) Fifth from the right

(C) Sixth from the left

(D) Fifth from the left

(E) Seventh from the left

Ans .   C

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Vikram Singh

Providing knowledgable questions of Reasoning and Aptitude for the competitive exams.

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