Maths Puzzles Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 47.3K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Mathematical puzzles questions

The mathematical puzzles topic is important for banking, SSC and other competitive examinations. Math puzzles are based on mathematics and logic, students face difficulty while solving these problems. So here, I am sharing math puzzle questions with answers for your best practice. For more practice of puzzle questions with answers, you can visit here to know how to solve puzzle with tricks to obtain better rank in the competitive exams.

Maths Puzzles Questions with Answers for Bank and SSC Exams:

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

A Guest house accommodates twelve persons in six rooms. The persons are A, B, C, D, E, F, P, Q, R, S, T and U. The rooms are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each room of the guest house is coloured with different colours. Those colours are blue, green, yellow, black, pink and white. Each room accommodates two persons.
 A, B, Q, R, T and U are the only males in the group. Female’s rooms are odd – numbered whereas male’s rooms are even-numbered.

(1) A and B share room. C’s roommate is not D.
 (2) E does not live in 6, which is yellow. Neither room 5 nor room 4 is blue or black.
 (3) The pink room is an odd number but it is not room 3. F lives in room 5 with D
 (4) P’s roommate is not S. The blue room is even numbered.
 (5) R lives in the green room whereas D lives in the white room.
 (6) S does not live in room 3. T’s room is blue.

Q.1.Who among the following are accommodated in the pink-coloured room?
 (A) E and S
 (B) C and S
 (C) P and C
 (D) Data inadequate
 (E) None of these

Ans .   D

Q.2.Who among the following are accommodated in room 3?
 (A) P and C
 (B) P and E
 (C) C and E
 (D) Data inadequate
 (E) None of these

Ans .   D

Q.3.In which A and B are accommodated?
 (A) 2
 (B) 4
 (C) 6
 (D) Data inadequate
 (E) None of these

Ans .   C

Q.4.Which of the following statements are definitely true?
 (1) U is the partner of T
 (2) Q is the partner of D
 (3) R is the partner of Q
 (4) U is the partner of R
 (A) Only i
 (B) Only ii
 (C) Only iii
 (D) Both i and ii
 (E) None

Ans .   E

Q.5.Which of the following statements is/are definitely false?
 (1) A and B are accommodated in the yellow room
 (2) Q is accommodated either in the blue room or in the green room
 (3) C is accommodated either in the Pink room or in the black room
 (4) U is accommodated in room 2
 (A) None
 (B) Only D
 (C) Only A & D
 (D) Only B & D
 (E) All are true 

Ans .   B

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