Mental ability questions with answers in hindi For SSC and Bank exams

Vikram Singh5 years ago 145.3K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Q :  

Select the option that will fill in the blank and complete the given series.
2 , 5, 10, 17, 26 , 37, __, 65, 82 , 101

(A) 54

(B) 48

(C) 50

(D) 51

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Select the option that will fill in the blank and complete the given series.
0 , 7, 26, 63,124, 215, 342, 511, 728,___

(A) 999

(B) 990

(C) 1001

(D) 1000

Correct Answer : A

Q :  Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is  different. Pick the odd one out.

(A) Seismology

(B) Terminology

(C) Cardiology

(D) Pedology

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

The sum of the present ages of two cousins is 46 years. Eight year ago, the elder one was twice as old a the younger one. What is the present age of the elder cousin?

(A) 28 years

(B) 30 years

(C) 22 years

(D) 26 years

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

What was the day of the week on 17th June, 1998?

(A) Monday

(B) Tuesday

(C) Wednesday

(D) Thursday

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

In this question, four words have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and the fourth one is different. Choose out the odd one?

(A) Baghdad

(B) Beijing

(C) Delhi

(D) Pakistan

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. College
2. Child
3. Salary
4. School
5. Employment

(A) 1,2,4,3,5

(B) 2,4,1,5,3

(C) 4,1,3,5,2

(D) 5,3,2,1,4

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

In a certain code language, "ARMS" is written as "5467" and "LIAR" is written as "1254". How is "SMALL" written in that code language?

(A) 76521

(B) 76512

(C) 76511

(D) 76544

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

In each of the following question , find the missing letters from the given response.





Correct Answer : D

Q :  

In each of the following questions, select the related letter/word/ figure/ number from the given alternatives.
Tree : Forest : : Grass : ?

(A) Lawn

(B) Pond

(C) Nest

(D) Floor

Correct Answer : A

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Vikram Singh

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