Mirror Image Reasoning Questions for Competitive Exams

A clock is marked with 3, 6, 9 and 12. If the mirror placed in front of it shows the time as 11:05, then what is the actual time -
(A) 12:10
(B) 12:05
(C) 12:55
(D) 12:45
Correct Answer : C
Which answer figure is the exact mirror image of the given question figure?
Correct Answer : C
Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.
Correct Answer : D
Which of the given answer figures will be the correct image of the question figure?
Question Figure
Correct Answer : C
Choose correct mirror image of given question figure when mirror is placed on the line AB -
Correct Answer : C
Select the correct mirror image of the given the mirror is placed at MN as shown below.
Question figure.
Correct Answer : B
select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at MN as shown.
Correct Answer : A
select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at XY as shown.
Correct Answer : A
Select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at MN as shown.
Correct Answer : A
select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at MN as shown.
Correct Answer : D