Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank PO, IBPS, Bank Clerical, SBI Exams

Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other exams Paper-5
Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other Banking exams, RBI, SBI and other Banking Recruitment Examinations of 2013 and 2014.If you like the post kindly give rating.
31. A —– is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into information.
A. stylus
B. processor
C. computer
D. None of these
32. The primary purpose of software is to turn data into
A. objects
B. information
C. websites
D. programs
33. In MS–Excel 2003, the default workbook sheet contain maximum
A. 65535 rows
B. 1048576 rows
C. 65537 rows
D. 65536 rows
34. What is the shortcut of Research command in MS–Word?
A. F3
B. F7
C. Alt + click
D. Ctrl + F
35. To make the number pad act as directional arrows, you press the —– key.
A. Caps lock
B. Arrow lock
C. Shift
D. Num lock
36. Which of the following is the input device?
A. Bar code reader
B. Wand reader
C. Flatbed scanner
D. All the above
37. Display capabilities of monitor are determined by
A. Port
B. Motherboard
C. Adapter card
D. None of these
38. Following is the impact printer
A. Laser printer
B. Ink jet printers
C. Chain Printers
D. None of these
39. The use of parity bit is for
A. Error detection
B. Indexing
C. Coding
D. None of these
40. State widely used Internet services.
A. Mailing lists
B. Usenet newsgroups
C. E–mail
D. All the above
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