Most Important GK Questions and Answers

Who first used the word 'Swaraj'?
(A) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(B) Raja Rammohan Roy
(C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Correct Answer : A
Recently, a book titled 'Legend of Suheldev' has been released, the author of which is?
(A) Meghna Pant
(B) Avalok Langer
(C) Amish Tripathi
(D) Kanishka Tharoor
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
The book begins with Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasion and the massacre of the holy Somnath Temple. This book has documented the adventure of the warrior-king Suheldev. The way Suheldev brings together people from various faiths. Legend of Suheldev is the story of a king who united men and women of the nation, irrespective of their religion, caste, region, or status in society.
Who has made India swear?
(A) Khwaj Ahmad Abbas
(B) Manoj Kumar
(C) Chetan Anand
(D) Basu Bhattacharya
Correct Answer : C
When did created 'Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh'?
(A) 1961
(B) 1963
(C) 1965
(D) 1967
Correct Answer : B
Whose film is Rao Sahab?
(A) Gopi Desai
(B) Simmi Grewal
(C) Vijaya Mehta
(D) Aparna Sen
Correct Answer : C
Where are the shooting of art films mainly?
(A) In the forests
(B) Palaces
(C) In the villages
(D) abroad
Correct Answer : C
Indra series of exercises are jointly held biennially in the Indian Ocean by India and -
(A) Russia
(B) France
(C) Singapore
(D) Israel
Correct Answer : A
Who of the following is the only Chief of Air Staff to be given the rank of Marshall of the Indian Air Force?
(A) Arjan Singh
(B) Subroto Mukherjee
(C) P.C. Lal
(D) O.P. Mehra
Correct Answer : A
Admiral Gorshkov, the Soviet aircraft carrier imported by India is now named -
(A) INS Vikrant
(B) INS Vikramaditya
(C) INS Virat
(D) INS Vishaal
Correct Answer : B
Which state government has recently launched 'one family, one job' scheme?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Chhattisgarh
(D) Sikkim
Correct Answer : D