Number Analogy Practice Questions for Competitive Exams

Number analogy is an important topic in the reasoning section. There is a special logical connection between one number to another number. You can easily solve number analogy questions in the competitive exam if you are practice properly.
So, here I am sharing with you number analogy practice questions which asked in different competitive exams. Understand this topic properly by practice these questions and obtain better rank in the competitive exam.
Practice Questions of Number Analogy
Direction (Question 43 to 48) : In which of the following questions, choose one number which is similar to the numbers in the given set.
Q.1. Given set : 992, 733, 845, 632
(A) 114
(B) 326
(C) 425
(D) 947
Ans . C
Q.2. Given set : 363, 489, 579
(A) 562
(B) 471
(C) 382
(D) 281
Ans . B
Q.3. Given set : 134, 246, 358
(A) 372
(B) 460
(C) 572
(D) 684
Ans . B
Q.4. Given set : 282, 354, 444
(A) 453
(B) 417
(C) 336
(D) 255
Ans . A
Q.5. Given set : 538, 725, 813
(A) 814
(B) 712
(C) 328
(D) 219
Ans . D
Direction (Question 6-10) : Each of the following questions consist of a pair of number that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four other pairs of numbers given as alternatives. Select the pair in which the numbers are similarly related as in the given pair.
Q.6. 5 : 35
(A) 7 : 77
(B) 9 : 45
(C) 11 : 55
(D) 3 : 24
Ans . A
Q.7. 12 : 144
(A) 22 : 464
(B) 20 : 400
(C) 15 : 135
(D) 10 : 140
Ans . B
Q.8. 8 : 256
(A) 7 : 343
(B) 9 : 243
(C) 10 : 500
(D) 5 : 75
Ans . C
Q.9. 27 : 9
(A) 64 : 8
(B) 125 : 5
(C) 135 : 15
(D) 729 : 81
Ans . D
Q.10. 11 : 1210
(A) 6 : 216
(B) 7 : 1029
(C) 8 : 448
(D) 9 : 729
Ans . C
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